Chapter 23

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"Honestly I don't know what to say," Lynn said to me over our Skype call. I was alone on the bus as the guys were out shopping for the award show tonight, "so has anything happened since Tony told Vic?"

"Not really. Things have been pretty normal to tell the truth," I replied, "well other than the fact that Vic and I haven't really been talking as much. I can't tell if he's mad at me or not..."

"I doubt he's mad at you," she replied sincerely, "Vic likes you a lot, and I doubt he's able to stay mad at you for more than an hour."

It's a bad habit of mine to assume the worst, "I don't know anymore, but the worst part is I think I'm in love with him..."

My eyes widened as the words just flew out of my mouth. Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth with her hands before squealing, "oh my gosh that's too cute!"

"I uh..." I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck feeling my cheeks heat up.

"That's adorable," a smile covered her face but soon after confusion replaced it. Wait why aren't you out shopping with the guys?"

"They're going to an award ceremony Lynn. I don't need to be there," I picked my laptop off my lap and made my way to the table in the kitchen.

"How do you know Vic doesn't want you there?" She crossed her arms over her chest as Jack took a seat next to her.

"I couldn't help but to listen in, and personally I think you should go," he butted in before getting up and walking away.

"Rude asshole," Lynn muttered and glared in the direction of her fiancé, "I'll leave the topic alone for now."

"Thanks..." I was actually thinking about it now though. Would Vic want me there? Has he given any signs that he doesn't want me to go? We aren't together...

She and I talked for about another hour before she and Jack decided to go to a movie. It was only two, and the guys were still gone. I grabbed my phone, putting my headphones in, and began playing Bullet For My Valentine's iTunes Radio.


"Guys leave her alone she's sleeping," I heard a voice mumble from across the room. Silence came after which made me believe I was only hearing things.

A loud crash made me jolt up and my phone fall on the floor next to me, "god damn it Jaime I told you to be quiet!"

I quickly scanned the room to see all the boys with innocent smiles on their faces. The boys were all dressed up and I giggled noticing Vic was wearing shorts, "damn Victor." I have to say he looks good.

A smirk formed on his face as he moved in front of me to grab my hands into his, "I'm waiting for you to put on your dress before saying damn."

Jaime walked over with a smile plastered on his face before handing me a bag, "I picked it out so I hope you like it," I shot the spiky haired boy a smile before pulling out a beautiful black lace dress.

"Oh my god Hime this is so cute!" I'm not a big fan of dressing up, but I was in shock. The dress he picked was perfect. I quickly scan over the boys awkwardly before looking back at the dress, "is there a reason for this?"

Vic quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me to the back of the bus, shutting the door behind him. "I know I've been kind of a dick for the last couple of days.

"What are you talking about Vic? You hav-" I was cut off.

"I was Claire. I was ignoring you and treating you like shit again and you really don't deserve that which is why I'll understand if you say no," words were pouring out of the boys mouth so fast that I could barely keep up.

I shot the boy a confused look and set the dress down on the couch, "what's going on?"

"Claire, in the past month and a half that I've known you my life has changed so much. You've changed me so much. You've made me realize so many things, and I couldn't thank you enough for that," Vic began keeping his eyes locked with mine, "I really think I'm falling for you Claire, which is why I want you to be my date tonight."

A huge grin formed on my face and I sling my arms around his shoulders quickly, "of course I'll be your date you dork."

When I pulled away he pecked my lips quickly before pushing me into the bathroom, "now you need to get ready. We're leaving in about an hour."


You could already hear the fans screaming and we weren't even inside yet. The guys were all getting pumped up to play later, especially since Tony was able to perform with them for the first time since the accident.

"Guys I'm nervous," Tony said in barely a whisper, "what if I completely fuck up the song? Maybe Jesse should just go ahead and perform. I'm just going to ruin the night."

I placed my hand on his knee to bring his attention away from his panicking, "Tony you're an amazing guitarist. Yeah you've been gone for a while, but that doesn't mean you're just going to up and play like shit."

"I've never played this live with the guys," his features read panic and I was at a loss for words. Guess those years of college just went down the drain.

"Tony fucking Perry listen and listen closely. You are an amazing fucking musician, and you're going to get up on that stage and kick some fucking ass," I raised my voice causing all of the boys to have scared expressions.

"Damn Vic your girl is feisty," Mike said with wide eyes. I giggled and turned my attention to my lap awkwardly as the boys just stared at me.

"You know, it's not polite to stare," a hand grabbed mine and I instantly knew it was Vic's.


When the car finally came to a stop and the door opened Jaime stepped out followed my Tony and Mike. The crowd began going crazy and I glanced back at Vic slightly scared.

"Babe there's nothing to worry about okay? Just follow my lead," Vic slowly climbed out of the car with his hand still in mine before helping me out.

The girls became silent at the sight of me so I diverted my vision to my heals. I knew this would happen...

Interviewers came from what seemed to be everywhere as Vic walked down the carpet. His arm was tightly around my waist and before I knew it we were finally inside.

"Hey I'm going to go say hi to Alex and Jack before the show starts," Mike announced to the group.

"Alex and Jack?" I glanced at Vic questioningly.

A smug look formed on Mike's face but he stayed silent and turned to Vic, "hey you should come with. We haven't seen the guys in a while now."

I watch as the two brothers walk away leaving me alone with Jaime and Tony.

So do you guys have any friends that are in a band?

My best friends are in one. :)

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