Laughs From The Heavens

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Chapter 4: Talking It All Out


Quentin sped after Storm, still thinking about what happened.

"Was Storm sensitive about being good? Why?" Quentin thought.

He finally spotted Storm sitting on the clouds right outside the Silver City. He landed behind Storm and walked over to him. Quentin sat down next to Storm, who had taken no notice.

"Storm, are you ok?" Quentin asked gently.

Storm jumped at the sound of Quentin's voice. He turned his head to face Quentin, his cheeks were red and were stained with tear marks.

"Yeah... I'm fine" Storm replied in a soft voice.

"Do you wanna talk about it? Tell me why you cause so much mischief to these people." Quentin said.

Storm sighed and explained how he came from a good mother, and an evil father. His father killed his mother when Storm was a baby. Storm's father taught him how to cause all kinds of mischief. This went on until Storm's father was sentenced to death. Storm explained that to this day, he continued his father's work.

"Wow... I never knew that you went through so much..." Quentin muttered.

Storm flattened his ears in sadness. He wanted to be good to please his mother. But he didn't want to disappoint his father.

"I can guarantee that being good can be really fun! It makes others feel happy... And you will be happier than ever before." Quentin promised.

Storm looked at Quentin and smiled.

"Ok, to get me to be good, you must tell a joke or show me the light of good." Storm explained.

Quentin decided, jokes were what he did best.

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