They're Back!✨

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"You'll always be mine, sing it to the world. You'll always be my boy. I'll always be your girl. Ain't nobody's business. Ain't nobody's business. Ain't nobody's business, but mine and my baby." I sang lowly as I sat in front of my vanity's mirror putting the finishing touches on my make up for tonight's outing.

"I'm ready!" Sabrina yelled followed by the sound of something clacking on the hardwood floor.

I glanced over my shoulder to see her posing with her hands on her hips. "Where are you going dressed like that?" I asked her turning all the way around in my vanity's stool taking in her appearance. She had a on her light pink leotard with her light pink tutu, and dress up heels.

"With you and daddy." She said adjusting the tiara on her head, I chuckled a little. She reminded me so much of myself when I was little.

"When daddy said get ready he meant get ready as in pack your things for Glamma's house tonight." The smile on her face dropped faster than when Kanye West is smiling and he spots a camera. She gave me a straight face before rolling her eyes. Here we go.

"I wanna go with you and daddy." She mumbled picking at the end of her tutu.

"Where daddy and I are going you can't go. It's for grown ups." I tried to explain, by the look on her face she wasn't trying to hear anything I was saying.

"It's no fair, I wanna go!" She yelled, her attitude has been out of control these past few months.

"Sabrina!" I warned her, still sitting on my vanity's stool I tightened my silk robe around my body.

"I wanna go!" She yelled stomping her feet folding her arms across her chest.

"It's not to late for you to get your little butt popped cut it out." I warned her for a second time. I've only whooped her once and it honestly hurt my heart. She was devastated and apologize every minute for what she had done.

"I wanna go!" She screamed snatching her tiara off of her head throwing it on the floor causing it to bounce on the hardwood floor. I stood up from my vanity seat getting ready to walk over to her.

"What's goin on in here?" Keenon asked walking into the room holding the twins in his arms. The twins looked so much like their father. I waited for Sabrina to respond to Keenon. He looked in between us awaiting an answer. Neither one of us said a thing.

"Sabrina." He looked down at her. She refused to make eye contact with him, she looked at the ground swaying side to side.

"I wanna go with you and mommy and she said no. Why I can't go?" She asked looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. He was a sucker for that. I can't even lie I used it on him a couple of times. Worked like a charm.

"C'mon let me talk to you." Keenon told Sabrina as he put the Twins down of their feet.

"Mama!" They yelled in unison as they walked over to me.

"Yes babies?" I asked walking over to the bed sitting down on the edge of it.

"Pwetty." Aza said as she tried to climb into the bed. I helped her into the bed sitting her on the side of me.

"Thank you baby you're pretty too." I smiled at her fixing one of her ponytails. "And momma's boy is handsome." I smiled softly pinching Keon's cheeks he gave me a straight face.

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