The Elements of Harmony

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"Captain Shining, Captain Shining," a pony shouted as he galloped into the room and almost into a group of three others drinking cider by the door, "Captain, we know how to defeat Nightmare Moon!" Every ponies eyes widened and Shining dropped his cider as she galloped after the pony.

The library was in poor shape but the books were enchanted to resist aging. Dozens of ponies were scouring books and taking notes, including Ink. When Shining entered a Pony called "Officer on deck!" as the soldiers in the room stood at attention in respect. "At ease, how do we defeat her? Where's the weapon? Spell?" He shouted excitedly as he galloped to a table with five scholars reading books. "Do you know how?"

"Mister Shining, sir? Um, I think I found how, if you don't mind, well," a quiet voice said from behind him. A short yellow pony he didn't notice and galloped past said.

"Yes! How?! What did you find?" He shouted as Fluttershy cowered back and tried to shuffle behind a stack of books she was by. "I'm sorry, miss. I didn't mean to scare you."

"She's a scardey filly! Her name's Fluttershy and she's my BEST friend," Rainbow's shout echoed through the library, "She's, like, super smart and a great helper and you wouldn't believe how great she is at making dinner. I'm so happy she's here! You wou-"

"Okay Fluttershy," Shining said loudly at Rainbow who was leaning out of one of the open slots on a stone bookshelf, "I'm really sorry I was loud, but I'm very excited. What have you found?"

Fluttershy took a deep breath and spoke almost to soft to be heard. "The elements of Harmony."

"I'm sorry, Fluttershy. What was that?"

"Um. Well, I said The Elements of Harmony. You see, six jewels that focus the positive energies of an Alicorn into a beam of energy that attacks evil."

"That's amazing!" Shining shouted as he suddenly stared into space and smiled. "We may have them. We may have them! What else does it say? Wait, come with me, we have to see my high mages, please, miss Fluttershy, will you come with me?"

Fluttershy stood up a little taller as Rainbow fell and stopped inches from the floor with a beat of her wings. "Anywhere she goes, I goes. Ya got that, big head?"

"Oh, Rainbow Dash. Please, don't speak that way. It's not very nice, his name is Mister Shining Armor."

"Actually Shining is okay, Miss."

"But, Fluttershy, his head is huge," Rainbow said gesturing with her wings. Ponies across the room chuckled at Rainbows honesty.

"All the better to plan and fight, would you like to be an honorary soldier for the day?" Shining asked standing tall and looking down at the mares. Rainbows eyes narrowed and she nodded slowly. "Very well, I hereby dub thee Miss Private Rainbow Dash, congratulations," he saluted her, "You first mission is to quietly guard Fluttershy from the air, can you do that?"

Excitedly Rainbow nodded and was about to say something but closed her mouth. "Yes sir, Mister Big Head, sir," she whispered as she beat her wings and hovered near the ceiling.

"Shall we go?" he gestured to the door. Fluttershy nodded and followed him carrying a book in her mouth as they walked.

"Um, well, you see, sirs."

"We're not sirs, we're mages. What've you found? It'd better be useful, not like that last pony who brought us a recipe for muffins written in Alicornese."

"Um, well, I found this book and there's something called the Elements of Harmony. Six gems that focus the positive energies of an Alicorn. It was used to defeat Discord and turn him to stone, also Dorek the Tormentor, Nightmare Moon and Forash the Soul Stealer. Celestia was the user so she might be the only one who can use them all at once, but it says here," she opened the book and flipped pages stopping in the middle of the book. "This part I can't read, but it shows the gems and words in Alicornese."

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