Return to Canterlot

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Appearing before the castle gates, Nightmare Moon dropped Celestia beside her. Terrified guards readied their spears and spells, ready to fight the unknown mare before them. "Put down thy arms or suffer a fate worst than thine Princess of the day hath." The guards kept their weapons at the ready, trembling in their grasps. Three guards levitated then smashed into the ground with enough force to dent their armor and make the ponies within shout in pain.

Other ponies charged and others cast magic. With a motion Nightmare Moon's horn glowed and pulled the spell casters forward. The ones on the roof or posts fell, several never to rise again. The charging ponies had their spears dissolve then they were thrown back into the walls. With no opposition Nightmare Moon opened the main door and entered, sneering into the main lobby illuminated by Celestia's magic. With a stomp of her hoof the lights changed from sun yellow to dark blue.

More guards appeared entering from numerous doors and hallways ready to fight. With a thought, Celestia and five unconscious or dead guards flew into the hall. Flying several feet before Nightmare Moon, the tumbling Celestia stopped and rolled to her side, still alive and finally waking up she looked at her royal guards and spoke wearily. "Guards, stand down. Your lives are precious and should not be wasted this way."

"Your highness, it is our duty to sacrifice our lives for you!"

"Shining Armor, protect the civilians, that is your new order." With a moment's thought Shining looked at Nightmare Moon, then the injured guards before her that followed his command.

"Troops, fall back. Regroup and guard the city," he shouted loudly as his troops left. Standing fast he waited to see what Nightmare Moon would do next.

"Where is Celestia's apprentice? I demand thou bring her before me."

"Rising Tide isn't going to cower before you. He is more than enough to best you, Nightmare Moon."

"Thou know of me? Finally some recognition. Rising Tide? Thou speak a fool's name. He hath no power comparable to mine."

"You will not win, monster," Shining said backing up, "You will be defeated and peace will return." With that he ran down another hall to join his troops.

"Celestia, thou hath a new student with such a foolish name? Where is his home? Seahorse Island?" She chuckled then picked Celestia up with her magic as she continued to the throne room. "Thy hath the same building style now as thou did then, sister. The throne room will be ahead, while the barracks will be in the east wing, the meal hall in the south, and your room third from the top. Always respecting the old ones before us, I see."

"L-Luna, please. You don't have to-"

"I am not Luna! I am Nightmare Moon. The night shall reign for all times and I will be loved or they will perish."

"Nightmare Moon, you don't understand, without the sun they WILL perish. There needs to be a balance for life to exist in Equestria."

"Thou only want to confuse me in my triumphant moment, sister. Thy words fall on deaf ears." Nightmare Moon opened the doors to the throne room and entered walking to the throne, dropping Celestia as she walked. "At long last, Equestria's true queen hath arrived!"

As she turned to lay on the throne a bright blue bolt of energy struck her in the back, between her wings. Shouting in pain, she looked for the source. No pony was there. "Thy think I am a fool, Rising Tide? I know thou are hiding in the shadows. I see thy body gliding through them, come before me and meet thy end!" Looking around the room she believed that he believed her lie. After a moment she galloped beside Celestia, "If thou attack me, would thou risk harming thy Princess?"

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