The White Dude

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We walked back into the centre room to find that the door opposite was open. The bigger door to the left was still bared though, so we made our way to the open door. Before we went in, I noticed Silas look behind us with a worried expression on his face. I follow his gaze to a spot above the door. Then look at him with concern, there was nothing there. Luna went through the door, then me and then Silas behind. This time I watched the door as it shut behind us, making no sound. We knew enough by now to understand that we couldn't run out, we spread and prepared to face whatever we had to.

We stood there for a while, surely something should have happened. Just then the room began to shake, about a dozen pillars came out of the ground in the centre of the room, which looked very similar to the other room with the skeleton. It stopped once it was about double my height and something swung onto one of the pillars. It was a skeleton... but a monkey. Ok, nothing would have prepared me for that, I thought to myself. It made an annoying monkey sound before throwing something at Silas, who dived out of the way. The thing came back to the monkey, who seemed to laugh in delight. It waved the object in the air, a boomerang, it was quite big and white with patterns carved into it. The monkey, with the same red eyes as the other skeleton, jumped to a pillar closer to Silas, but threw the boomerang at me.

I put my sword in front of me. The boomerang hit the sword and went straight back to the monkey. The force of the impact knocked both me and the monkey off our feet. The monkey was quicker to recover it threw the boomerang at Silas again, who was trying to climb one of the poles. He jumped down to avoid being hit. Then the monkey threw the boomerang at Luna, who had reach the top of one of the pillars. She jumped to another pillar, losing her footing, but managed to stay up there. I looked around me for something to distract the monkey with. I found a rock and lobbed it at the monkey which hit the back of it's head. I noticed Silas climbing the vines, it looks like I have to distract the monkey myself, oh joy!

The monkey turned to me and threw the boomerang. I rolled out the way and grabbed another stone, as soon as I got my balance, I threw it. The monkey moved to another pillar closer to me and threw the boomerang again. I dived to the right again. Now I was in front of the vine Silas climbed. The monkey caught the boomerang and jumped onto a closer pillar. It threw the boomerang at me and at the same time Luna threw her knife at the monkey's head. It turned and I saw Silas swinging on a vine above my head. I knew what I had to do. I threw Amara as high as I could, thankfully it was high enough. Silas caught it and swung it at the monkeys neck from behind. I dived to avoid the boomerang. I got up in time to see the monkey turn to dust and Silas making a graceful landing on a pillar. Most likely by luck. He caught the boomerang as the pillars started coming back down and the door opened.

"This is ridiculous, we fought a monkey," Silas said as we walked through the now open door, "what next a-"

"Don't finish that sentence, I don't want to face something from your imagination," I interrupt as we walk out and find that the bigger door isn't barred anymore. We make our way up the steps to the door. Before we go in we stop, whatever was past that door was going to be harder then what we've faced.

We push the door open and walked in...

"Look who it is... I thought those skeletons would have torn you all apart, yet here you are. Not in pieces." It wasn't hard to locate the source of the threat. A white figure stood on the top of stairs that led to a balcony that circulated the dome room. "Well, allow me to introduce myself, before you die. I am the demon lord of this land, you may call me Ghirahim." He said, still facing away from us. "In truth, I very much prefer to be indulged with my full title: Lord Ghirahim. But I'm not fussy." Ghirahim continues. I look over to Silas and he gives me a nod. We pull out our weapons and get ready. Ghirahim laughs at us and turns around with a smile.

He has white hair that comes down to his chin and covers one of his black eyes, one pointed ear and part of his chalk white lips. His eyes are rimmed with purple and he has cream coloured skin, a bit like Luna's but darker. He is wearing a red cloak with a fiery orange, diamond patterns on the inside. He is wearing white gloves and a skin suit with diamonds cut into both. Underneath the cloak, he is wearing a yellow sash around his waist and one around his upper left arm.

Ryder looks to Silas, who is mocking Ghirahim by making weird expressions then suddenly, Ghirahim disappears, leaving behind colourful diamonds floating where he was. Until they disappear as well. After a few seconds, I hear Silas take in a sharp breath and I turn around. Silas is standing still, wide eyed with Ghirahim standing right behind him.

"It's so inconvenient that you weren't killed, but I will correct that mistake." Ghirahim says wickedly and then Silas jerks forward and gets ready to attack. Ghirahim laughs in reply to Silas' reflex and opens his arms out wide, making his red cloak turn into small diamonds and then disappear.

A sword appears in his hand, made from black diamonds and he stops laughing, suddenly serious...

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