Where are you?

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Where are you? I keep searching

But I can't find you

I feel so alone

I smile everyday

But I'm really not okay

I feel like I'm dying inside

My mind is the enemy

That I can't escape

Where are you?

I keep promising myself

That I'll continue through

That I'll fight for you

I'm not sure I can do it anymore

Where are you?

I know I'm still young

But I need you right now

I want to die 

Where are you?

I keep fucking up

I cant do anything right

I hate my body

I hate these scars

I'm ugly

Where are you?

I need you to comfort me

I'm so weak

I can barely breathe

I'm losing my mind

Where are you? Please, I need you

These days pass by in a blur

It's like I'm not even alive

I can't do this anymore

I'm sorry, I can't

Where are you?

I cut too deep this time

I think this might be it

This marred brain has had enough

My tears have run out

Where are you?

I'm at my own funeral

Staring down at the coffin

My hands folded, lips smiling

Where were you?

Sobs and whispers

Was it suicide? Why did she do it?

She had a wonderful family

But I don't care

I'm finally at peace

My mind is no longer dying

I'm happy

I smile, watching my family

I'll miss them

I wish they knew how happy I am

I wish they knew how much I love them

I wish you knew, too

That I'm alright now

I love you, whoever you are

I hope we'll meet someday

I may be in sweet serenity

But I'll always wonder

Who are you?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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