three || classes and clothes

65 6 28

July 22, 2010, 4:00 pm
16 years old

I smacked Harry's chest. "Harry, your jokes aren't funny," I said, laughing.

"But you're laughing," he said, smiling. "Did you hear what happened to the kidnapping?"

I covered my ears with my hands. "Lalalala.." I said, hoping not to hear the answer.

"He woke up." Harry fell into a fit of laughter. I rolled my eyes, laughing as well.

Finally. The Biology classroom. Thank God, it was last period.

Harry opened the door, being such a gentleman. We took some seats in the middle and Harry opened his mouth to say yet another joke.

But before he could, Raven came over and sat on Harry's lap. "Hi, babe," she cooed, which made me want to puke. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't, because they were actually dating. Harry, as the football captain, was almost required to date the cheerleading captain, who was of course Raven.

Harry faked a smile. "Hi. Can we talk later? I'm talking to Kayleigh here."

Raven glared at me, then turned back to Harry with a smile. "Okay. But I just stopped by to remind you of the party later tonight over at Niall's. You have to come or else I'll be sad," she said as she pouted.

Harry kept his fake smile on. "Of course."

"Thank you, babe. You're mine, alright?" she said, which seemed to be more of a reminder to me than Harry. Once she left, I rolled my eyes.

"She pisses me off," I admitted, even if Harry knew that very well.

"I know. She pisses me off too."

"Can you stop dating her then?" I said, groaning. "I was having a good day until I saw that s.lut."

Harry frowned. "I'm sorry, Kay," he said, using my nickname for me. "But I think we all know that it's high school protocol for the school jock to be dating a cheerleader."

"I know. I get it. But why can't you date another cheerleader?"

He raised his eyebrows. "Like you?"

My eyes widened. "No! I meant, like, Harper or something," I said, referring to my close friend. "Don't take it personally. I just don't want to date a jock."

It was true, though. While Harry was undoubtedly my best friend, I had no feelings whatsoever for him and I didn't want any of the drama that came with dating a school jock. I was the only single cheerleader as of now, and I was happy with it.

"Don't worry, I'll break up with Raven before we graduate. Chill out," he said, smirking.

"Okay, fine," I said. "But are you really coming to the party?"

He sighed. "I have to. Captain duties."

"See you there, then."

"Wait, you're coming?"

"Of course. Cheerleader duties." It was my turn to smirk.

The bell suddenly rang and Miss Tanner came in with her usual pile of books. "Good morning, everybody," she greeted.

Welcome to hell.


An hour and a half of torture later, Miss Tanner left the classroom as the students started gathering their things. Harry helped my gather mine, as he usually did, and I thanked him. As we started walking home, he asked me something.

"So, you're really going to the party tonight?"

I laughed. "Of course. I just said so."

"Did May let you?" he questioned, referring to my mom.

"Yeah, she's working late tonight so she said she won't mind."

"Oh. Are you going with anyone?"

I laughed again. "Yeah, I'm coming with Harper. Why are you so concerned about me going to the party? I'm used to them."

"Yeah, but this one has alcohol. I heard Louis saying they're sneaking some in since Niall's parents aren't home. I don't want you coming home drunk."

"Hey, I probably won't even drink. If I do, it'll be about one or two drinks because I don't tolerate alcohol well. Remember when we were 13 and I got my first taste of tequila, thinking it was lemonade, and threw up all over the floor?"


I smiled. "So lighten up. Thanks for caring, but I'll be okay."



We reached my front porch and I turned to Harry, smiling again. "Thanks for walking me home," I said, as I did everyday.

"No problem," he replied, as usual. "See you at the party."

"Yeah, see you," I said, leaning in to give him a friendly kiss on the cheek. "Bye."

"Bye," he said, turning around and walking home.

I fished for my keys inside my bag and unlocked the front door. I went inside and put my bag on the floor, walking into my room and opening the closet. I was home alone, since my mom was still at the office.

"What am I supposed to wear?" I muttered to myself. I decided to pick up my phone and call Harper.

After a few rings, she picked up. "Hello?"

"Harper! Can you come over? I have no idea what to wear to the party."

"Okay. Be there in five," she said. "Don't want you coming to my house looking like complete s.hit."

I laughed. Harper and Niall, as twins, certainly shared a love for vulgar words.

Sure enough, she came into my room about five minutes later wearing a see-through blouse and shorts, her hair curled instead of straightened.

"Hmm. Your wardrobe is a mess," she commented.

"I can see that," I said.

"You should wear something that'll make the boys go crazy. With that figure of yours, you'll have everyone drop to their knees with the perfect outfit," she said. "What about this one?" She held up a lace crop top and some shorts.

"You know what, that's actually cute," I said as I went into the bathroom and changed into it. When I came out, Harper squealed.

"You. Look. Perfect!" she screamed. "Now, let's go."

"Wait, my mom brought the car. How are we gonna get there?" I said.

"With mine. I borrowed Niall's," she said while hopping into the silver Benz. "Let's go?"

I got in and smiled. "This is gonna be a fun night."


helloooo loves :) sorry for the long wait, school has been really busy lately ):

also sorry for the slight cliffhanger, i just wanted to insert some suspense haha :))

btw sorry for the censored curse words, i just really wanna keep my pg-13 rating sorry :-(
highlight with a joke pleaseee

please vote because if you don't you'll never get to make out w harry 😉

anyway i love you all bye for now 😚

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