Cult's Point of View

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"I hate my life... And on top of everything my parents are dead. I hate my brothers... Especially that bastard Kairo! He thinks he's so much better than everybody!"

My life wasn't going so well, that is until I met her: Sophie! She was a model and she made me feel like I was special. I know I sound like a chick for saying this but, I couldn't help it. I fell head over heels. My brothers hated her but who cares, she was mine and mine alone.

When I discovered she had a husband I was devastated. I didn't know what to do in that kind of situation. So I still went to her even though I got my ass kicked almost everyday.

I would come home bloody and my brothers would have a fit, Haru especially. He would be the only one screaming and he would say, "Who did this to your gorgeous face!" Or something like that. It always made me laugh how he always acted like my mom. Shane and Kairo would get mad and beat me up more but I didn't care! I just stood there and took it as always. It didn't make a difference...

Almost 3 years went by and I was a senior in highschool now. Sophie and I were still together and as always my brothers weren't having it, but again it's my life and I can do whatever the fuck I wanted to!

This girl gets on my damn nerves! Her name is... I don't really care to know but everyday the same shit happens. She gets beat up by the whole entire school for no reason. Apparently the students made up some dumb-ass rule to beat up the kids they don't like whether they're new or not. So I'm guessing she landed right into their hands. So dumb! I dare one of them to try that shit on me.

So a couple of days passed and I noticed she's getting beat up again! I had nothing better to do so I deciced to help her.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!" I said, as I pulled them off of her. We all started arguing and then they left. I slowly bent down to lift her, she said something but I couldn't hear her; she had like a gallon of blood pouring from her mouth. I wanted to throw up just looking at her, it was disgusting and all I could think about was what color Sophie's underwear today.

She thanked me I guessed and started to walk off knowing full well her ass couldn't move! She fainted and I carried her off to the hospital. She fell asleep in my arms... Damn! She got her blood all over my shirt!

The weekend rolled around and I spent time working at our families bath house. Our parents built it when Blaine and Kairo were kids and Shane was a baby. Sometimes I really liked being there. I use to envy the couples young and old who would come in and spend each moment together even if it was happy or sad. I wanted to be like them and I wondered if Sophie and I could be like that?

This annoying girl again! I'm telling you, its like she was everywhere. She looked much better than before and I just kept staring at her up and down. She ran up to me and said, "It's you!" She got on my nerves... and I didn't like her, I'm not saying she was ugly or anything but she just annoyed the hell out of me! "Who the hell are you!" I said, as I stared at her and out of nowhere he comes Kairo, thinking he's all high and mighty.

Kairo: Cult! Don't be so rude to our guests. Sorry excuse my little brother. He's always like this; My name is Kairo Furukawa and you are?

She said her name was Mai. Mai something I wasn't really listening. Then one after the other they each introduced themselves. Man I fucking hate Kairo! He took my head and made me bow to her! I wanted to punch him so bad but I didn't want to cause a scene while we have guests.

"You have no breasts" I said and I looked away. Yeah I said it and I wasn't scared to, I'll say whatever comes to mind and I don't care who gets offended. Shane punched me in the head while Kairo got me in the gut, these two! Just wait one of these days!

So apparently Mai started working with us. She hardly worked and all she did was stare at me all day! I was getting highly annoyed. I really hated the fact she was here, asking all sorts of questions that are none of her fucking business!

One day I did the worst thing you could possibly do to a person. I don't really know what came over me but I felt up on her and tried to... You get the picture don't you? After my brothers came down stares and it was a complete mess. Even though I didn't show it, I felt kind of bad...

After that incident I just stopped being around everybody. I just didn't want to be reminded of what I done to her.

Sophie: So you're not going to go to school today either?

Cult: Nope!

Sophie: Cult just go home and apologize to her! You owe her that much. Now I have to go, I'll see you soon. Remember just go home and apologize!

I payed no attention to what Sophie said and I stayed at her place for another few days.


Its not like I didn't have feelings for Mai; it was the fact that I was too scared of admitting them. I told myself over and over again that this wasn't true but I couldn't deny them anymore. Everytime I saw her I would smile and my heart couldn't stop beating... That's when I knew this was L.O.V.E!

I returned home hoping to start anew with Mai but to my surprise she was dating that bastard! Everytime they were together it pissed me off! What pissed me off the most was that they were fucking screwing each other! Damnit Mai why Kairo of all people!

Good thing that's over though and Mai and I are happier together. I love her, I really earnestly do!

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