Haru's point of view

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Hello world, it's Haru Furukawa or better known as the fashionista of the family. Let me tell you, the entire time Mai was living with us I seriously wanted to burn all of her clothes! Horrible!

Anyways I was doing my usual rounds at the bathhouse when Mai walked in. I saw her and immediately wanted to scratch my eyes out. You should've seen what the girl was wearing! But we're not gonna get into that.

I get the fact that my brothers loved her, we all did but they loved her; I totally understand why Cult and Kairo fault the way they did. Now I don't approve of my brothers fighting not at all but these two had to dish it out.

I really don't think they were fighting only because of Mai. I think it had something to do with the fact that our parents died and Cult pretty much took his anger out on everybody. Also because Kairo was mad that Cult wouldn't listen to him about Sophie.

To be honest I was kind of rooting for Kairo and Mai to be together. Shh! Don't tell Cult I said that. It's not that I didn't like her with Cult; but even though he doesn't mention it Kairo's been through so much. Not that Cult hasn't been through a lot, it's just Kairo's been through more with being in the hospital and his fiance leaving him at the altar. Oops! You didn't hear that one from me! Please don't tell him I told you, he'll kill me literally.

Cult you're my baby brother and I love you but Kairo deserves Mai more than you. I don't mean to say it but that's just my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for the two of you but I felt like Kairo loved her just a little bit more than you did and you only admitted your feelings for her after you found out she was with Kairo!

To tell you the the truth that really pissed me off and I'm not usually one to get upset and angry over stuff like this but I hated what you did! You left with that whore Sophie and when you come back you expect to get with Mai?! That's not fair to Kairo and it wasn't fair to Mai who was just starting to admit she had feelings for Kairo!

I can't believe this but this is the first time I'm actually yelling at you. You're my brother Cult and I love you but deep down you know damn well, you were wrong!

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