chapter 14

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A few days later
Things have been rough the last few days romans mum had taken dean to his doctors appointment and he was told he would have to keep the inhaler on him at all times its now a permanent witch he wasn't happy about his also been extremely jumpy and everyone has noticed little thing like how he will rub or tap at his collarbone and how he can't keep still no one knows exactly what happened in his nightmare as he hasn't talked about all they know is it involved his dad gabby what at seth's she was staying the tonight having a sleep over with aj and seth was staying at romans tonight
They were all in the living room dean was just staring at roman although he seemed deep in thought not actually looking at roman
Seth looked at dean and waved his hand infront of dean's face dean flinched away from the hand and looked to seth with panic in his eyes "hey sorry you were just staring of in to space man you ok" seth asked worried roman and his mum and dad were looking at dean too mak8ng him more uncomfortable and feeling like the walls are closing in on him dean looked back to seth and got up "i-im gonna go for a walk" he mumbled nervously he picked up his inhaler of the table and walked out the door before anyone could say anything seth looked to roman and his mum and dad they all looked extremely worried a little while later seth and roman decided to go see if they could find dean after they had rang him a few times but he never answered they went to the park first knowing that he goes there alot in to the wooded valley at the back of the park they walked in to the valley calling dean's now they slowed down to a stop and looked around when they could hear what sounded like someone crying they rush to wear it was coming from and thats where they found dean curled up on the ground holding on to his left wrist they rushed over to him "dean?" Roman said worried tears in his eyes as he looked at dean who didn't lift up his head and didn't even acknowledge them just kept crying roman and seth leaned down and roman put his hand on dean's shoulder and dean screamed pulling himself away from them fast "dean! Dean hey its ok it's us" roman said dean looked up now and both seth and roman hated the look in his eyes he looked completely terrified and hurt "hey shhh come here" roman said opening his arms but dean didn't get any closer to them "dean man come on its ok it's just us" seth said but dean just put his head back down and lied back down on the ground he was still holding his wrist too they went closer slowly not to spook him again "dean?" Roman wispered "come on its ok we got you" seth wispered dean looked at them roman opened his arms again and this dean moved slowly over to them and fell in to romans waiting arms roman put his arms round dean tightly "shhh your ok" roman said he looked over at seth seeing the worried look on his face seth put his hand on deans back rubbing it deans body was trembling badly roman looked at seth "call my mum" roman whispered seth nodded getting up and moving away from them and calling romans mum
"dean babyboy what happened" roman whispered in deans ear dean was still crying "he-he.......he attacked m-me" dean cried out "who did dean...who attacked you" roman asked scared "m-m-my...........d-da-dad" dean cried "what" roman said shocked "he.....came....up from......behind.....??" dean didn't finish what he was saying just cried more he saw seth come back and he nodded at him letting him know his mum was on the way he could see dean was still holding his wrist "did you hurt your wrist" he asked dean just nodded "let me see" roman said dean let go of his wrist and roman and seth looked away it was defiantly broken that was easy to see dean then covered it back up hugging in to roman more he was still shaking he coughed alittle from all the crying they saw him reach in to his pocket roman could feel deans breathing change to little gasps he pull out his inhaler but dropped it cause his hand was shaking so much seth picked it up for him and put it to deans mouth pushing on it when dean breathes in a few times then getting dean to take deep breaths romans mum got here and found them rushing straight over "dean? what happened?" she asked worried dean didnt answer tho "come on lets get you home" she said helping roman get dean to his feet but then seen his wrist so took him to the hospital first they did some xrays and then put a cast on his arm they then took him home and he went straight to bed he was still very upset roman and seth followed him and cuddled him between them roman had told his mum what dean told him about his dad attacking him and she had called the police once they were home and told them as they were still looking for his dad he hadn't gone back home and they hadn't seen him they had found the other guy who had stabbed dean and he was locked up but dean knew his dad his dad was smart he had got away with beating him for most of his life and no one noticed it was his dad and he didn't just get in to fights with other kids like his dad would say he did
That night once again dean didn't eat alot before taking some pain killers for his wrist and his headache and going to bed he fell asleep once roman and seth got in the room he didn't feel safe when he was on his own now

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