chapter 5

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When roman was sure everyone else was asleep he took dean's house keys and went back over to dean's going inside being quiet he went to the bathroom going through all the medications they had in there until he found dean's meds he had two bottles he put them in to his pocket and left going back to his he put dean keys name and then woke dean
"Hmm yeah?" Dean mumbled "dude I went back and got your meds for you" roman said dean opened his eyes fully awake now "did anyone see you" dean asked roman shook his head dean sighed thankful that his parents didn't see roman "you didn't have to do that" dean said "I wanted too gabby said you needed them so I got them for you" roman said handing them to dean "thanks" dean said roman nodded and handed dean the bottle of water he got for down stairs before coming up dean took 2 pills and then went to hand the meds to roman "why you giving them to me" roman asked "cause it's a bad idea letting me keep them on me" dean said "why would you loss them" roman asked "something like that" dean mumbled roman looked at him weird and then figured it out "oh" he said putting them back in his pocket "you still think like that I thought these things are ment to help" roman said looking in to dean's eyes trying not to get lost Inn them "they do its alot worse if I don't take them or miss days my mum only ever reminded me to take them so I was still around to look after gabby and believe when I first got put on them I did overdose more then once I still don't remember anything from the days I overdosed I know the 3rd time I done it it was gabby who found me passed out on the bathroom floor and rang for an ambulance as my mum and dad didn't even try to save me they just went back down stairs" dean said "really" roman said "yeah I don't remember anything really from those days I only know gabz saved my life cause the doctors told me when I woke up in hospital that i should thank my sister for finding me and saving my life" dean said "damn man" roman said not knowing what else to say "yeah" dean said sighing "well im glad she did" roman said smiling at him he gave a little smile but said nothing "come on let's go back to sleep" roman said dean nodded and then both laid back down roman put his arm around dean while gabby who was still asleep snuggled back up to dean
The next morning
Everyone but dean and gabby were awake they decided to let them sleep in as they probably haven't had a good night sleep in like forever they made them breakfast and put it aside for when they wake up as it was the weekend
Dean and gabby didn't wake up until 1pm
They went down stairs
And ate breakfast well lunch but still
Dean was feeling alittle down probably because he took his meds alot later then normal he normal takes them the same time every morning and the same time every night and beens he woke up later then normal he missed his normal time this morning too so after he ate he went over to roman "I need my meds" he mumbled roman and seth looked up at him hearing the sound of his voice when he asked from his meds "you ok" roman asked getting up and pulling them our his pocket dean nodded not making eye contact roman handed him to pills and dean took them to the kitchen and got a glass off water and took his meds and drank a little more water then went and sat with everyone else in the living room when gabby randomly got up going over to dean and hugging him as she sensed his mood having seen him in them before when his missed his meds or taken them later then normal "you ok" she wispered he nodded giving her alittle smile she stayed on his lap hugging him anyways feeling that he needs it everyone else looked on worried on if dean was ok
After awhile gabby moved alittle bit and looked up at her big brothers face "I love you gabz you know that right" dean wispered she nodded already knowing this talk "I know and I know you'll never let anything happen to me even when your an angel you'll always protect me and keep me safe" she said already answering what he was gonna say next everyone looked worried
He hugged her close to him she rests her head on his chest listening to his heart beat "you the best big brother in the world" she said "thanks gabz" dean mumbled gabby and roman made eye contact and he gave her a look as if to ask if he was ok she nodded a little and they spent most of the day playing on the xbox and just having a laugh well all but dean he sat there being quiet and just watched his little sister and how it felt good that she was finally smiling and being happy and not having to be scared anymore and finalky feeling loved and wanted and being apart of a family that's all he ever wanted for his sister but on his side his already been scarred emotionally physically and mentally his already damaged
"You ok there dean" roman asked going over to him dean looked up at him and nodded "you sure" he asked He sighed "you wanna talk about it" roman asked "it's nothing it's just that I was late on taking my meds last night and this morning it's just messing with my head abit" dean said "oh what times do you normal take them" roman asked "Normally 7 am and 10pm" dean said "ok so you got to get back in to that same time then" roman said dean nodded "alright man ill write it down so I can give you them at the same times everyday" roman said dean nodded again "alright dude" roman said patting dean's back
That night
Dean had taken his meds at the normal time and cuddled up to gabby and started reading her a story to help her fall asleep roman stood at the door way with a smile it's really cute the bond dean and his sister have they are so close and his so protective of her once she had fallen asleep dean slowly got up not to wake her and book the book away he looked up seeing roman he jumped back "god don't do that" dean wispered "sorry didn't mean to make you jump" roman wispered back seth had decided to stay for the whole weekend Dean and roman got dressed both taking quick looks at each other with out the other one knowing before lieing down gabby snuggled up to dean while roman put a protective arm over both dean and gabby knowing dean also needs to know his save seth then came up and got dressed and laid down on the other side of gabby and did the same as roman by putting his arm over both dean and gabby

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