The Indomitable

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               Sweat dripped down my face as I stood with the others, drinking my ice cold water. I could feel the rejuvenating liquid slip down my throat and ameliorate my unquenchable thirst. My tense body loosened. Our relaxing time was coming to a close and I set down my bottle. I eyed the green crash pads across the room, just waiting to be relieved of their otiosity. Me and my friend Brandon raced across the room. Together we slowly supinated, letting the large pad fall into our grip. With our combined strength, we were able to relocate the rather heavy piece of equipment to the rope. Another pair took the other one and placed it adjacent. Coach K investigated the area and confirmed its safety. He then proceeded to unlatch the rope from its secluded hole in the wall

We all stared down the daunting rope. Its intimidating length beckoned the first climber. I watched in amusement as he approached the indomitable obstacle. He began climbing only to eject after a few inches. From the crowd I heard several voices.

"Charlie, you have to do it."

"Dude, he can climb it with no hands!" I grinned as they each took their turns lauding my abilities and encouraging me to climb the rope. The week prior to this, I had dominated the rope with ease. Despite their attempts to coerce me, I already had plans to claim a double streak of victory. However, despite my confidence, I decided to go after a few more failed. With all the pressure, it made for a difficult entrance.

Once again, another naive attendee bailed. Surprisingly, he made it about a sixth of the way. That small fraction was actually quite an achievement compared to the rope's reputation. Brandon was up next. Both of us knew he wasn't very ept at climbing. The coach assisted him on his mounting. I watched as he struggled to go up one by one. It was obvious he wouldn't make it. Next was a high schooler--to my belief--who was extremely tall. From watching him with the vertec machine, I knew he was a potential danger to my stature. As soon as he got on the rope, he immediately traversed a third up the rope. I was nervous, frankly. Luckily, it was too much for him. Gratification fluttered through me as he backed down. Now it was my turn to show these amateurs.

I walked onto the crash pad trepidatiously. Hopefully I would be able to succeed twice in a row. Otherwise, my reputation would be completely tarnished. The rope dangled in front of me, flaunting its superiority. I knew I could do this; I had the strength, the endurance, and the motivation. Coach knew I was capable of climbing, and he was a real character. In through your nose, out through the mouth. Each breath prepared me for the challenge at hand. Enough procrastinating.

With both hands, I took hold of the highest point I could reach. Already I could feel the unforgiving roughness of the fiber. Its harsh texture chafed my toughened hands. From all the pull-ups had done, my hands had seen a number of calluses that strengthened my skin. In the brief moment I lifted my legs to support me, I could feel the pressure bearing down on my arms. The first bit was difficult: getting your arms to hold you in the beginning. My right hand released its clutch and elevated to a higher point. Then the left. This was just as easy as I remembered it.

Below me, my legs dangled freely. Climbing with no legs made it harder for two reasons. First, it prohibited you from using your legs to climb, thus rendering them useless to your cause. Second, it made you heavier since they weren't being used. The latter wasn't a problem. For a middle schooler, I was more than fit. It had almost been a year since I started to take exercising seriously. In that period of time I had picked up calisthenics and plyometrics. Daily push-ups and pull-ups were a mere facet of what I did on a quotidian basis. The whole reason I was climbing this rope was because I was attending TRX. This workout "program" was a strength training summer activity that Brandon thought I might have been interested in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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