Chapter 2

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I bolted deep into the forest as quick as my legs could carry me. I was petrified! Left, right, left. I didn't know where I was going. I heard a screech. The witch was back...

I huddled under a tree as the witch flew above hoping that I was hidden. She flew down and landed right next to my tree. I had to bite my hand to keep myself from screaming. Fortunately she didn't see me. She walked on through the forest head held high at a steady pace. I stood up silently in relief that she hadn't seen me. The leaves crunched beneath my feet. Her wicked, sharp ears had heard it.

I dropped to the ground just in time for her dark, green eyes to swivel to where I was standing. But she didn't see me though luckily. That was a really close end to my life then.  If I was a second late, I would be tumbling down the mountain side by now.

Should I follow her? Or not? I would have been more than happy to stay where I was but I had to get out of this place. And that meant following the witch.

I crept after her keeping low in case she turned around, keeping my eyes out for danger. Thorns stabbed me like daggers as I made my way through the wild plants. I was trying to act bold, I was petrified! Afraid and unhappy, cold and unwelcome I continued my journey.

Not far ahead I could see a little cottage. The witches cottage. In my book it said that the witch had an evil cat that spat and scratched. Apparently it could talk too. No cat can talk though. Could it? Well, I guess it could in a fairy tale! Anything could happen.

The witch scampered into her little cottage and was welcomed by the cat. Oh no, the cat has seen me! I think...

Oh my! Is it just me or did the cat just put his paw to his mouth? I think he was telling me to be quiet. I thought that the cat was evil! Why is he helping me? The witch shut the door behind her and the sleek, black cat came bounding up to me. Smiling! The cat was smiling!

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