Chapter 4

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Annabeth noticed Percy's somber mood and did her best to coax him out of it. She told him jokes and random facts during the long ride, and eventually he stopped brooding. There was a long silence, and then Percy suggested they had a pun contest. Up front, Argus rolled his eyes, making Percy dizzy. Annabeth groaned but and said, "We are in no way having a pun contest, Seaweed Brain! Besides, I've already heard your awful puns." Percy pouted, and Argus looked relieved. Silence fell again, and Percy started worrying. What if Poseidon wouldn't be able to help him? Or worse, what if Poseidon disowned him? Could gods even do that? Annabeth seemed to sense his worry and squeezed his hand while pecking him on the cheek.

"It'll be fine, Percy. Poseidon will do his best to help you," she told him. Percy smiled faintly, feeling a little reassured. Annabeth put her head on Percy's shoulder. Percy started to nod off. He hadn't slept very good the night before, so he allowed himself to take a little nap


"Percy, wake up!" A hand shook his shoulder frantically. He opened his eyes slowly, the sunlight blinding him momentarily. Annabeth hovered over him, looking anxious.

"I'm fine, Wise Girl, relax," Percy said, feeling a little discombobulated. He looked out the window and saw that they were at the Empire State Building.

"It's just-- You wouldn't wake up, Percy, and I was so worried!"

"You really think that Percy Jackson is going to die in his sleep?" Percy smirked and Annabeth huffed and rolled her eyes at his answer.

"Get up, sleepy-head. We have important business to take care of," Annabeth told him. Percy felt a slight twinge of guilt at the way he'd brushed off Annabeth's worry, but he crawled out of the van. Argus waved at them as he drove away, the eye on the back of his hand blinking.

The usual guard behind the front desk greeted them. He seemed to recognize them, and hastily put his book down and asked, "Six hundredth floor?" They nodded, and he said, "You know the drill: make sure there are no mortals in the elevator with you." He had a hard time getting out the word "mortals" and Percy guessed that the guy himself was mortal. He gave Percy the key card. Fortunately, the lobby was empty, so they were able to go in the elevator immediately. Once inside, Percy attempted to insert the key card, but his hands were shaking too badly to do it. Annabeth took the card from him with a sad smile and did it herself. Cheesy elevator music began to play as they ascended to Olympus.

"Does this mean I'll finally be able to see some of your architecture?" Percy asked.

"Yes, although some of the buildings still need structural support, and some still need to be rebuilt altogether..." Percy stopped listening to her words, but rather focused on the sound of her beautiful voice. Until she punched him on the arm.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"You weren't listening, were you?" Annabeth asked. Percy tried for an adorable sheepish grin, but he just got punched again by a smiling Annabeth. Finally, the doors opened with a ding. The bridge was much safer now, but unfortunately, the floor of it was made of glass. Percy remembered the time when he was twelve, and he, Annabeth, and Grover were at the Gateway Arch. Annabeth had said that she would've designed the Arch with see-through floors. Percy smiled a little.

"Why do you look so nostalgic?" Annabeth asked.

"Well, you finally got to design something with see-through floors. It wasn't the Arch, but hey, a bridge is good enough, right?" Percy said. Annabeth grinned, and she obviously remembered the Arch, too.

"And this time, you're not being forced to jump out of a very high place while on fire," Annabeth laughed. Percy laughed too.

"It's funny, because at the time, I never thought that I'd look back on it and laugh..." Percy trailed off. They walked over the bridge and through the city. He could see some of Annabeth's work, and it really was beautiful. He made sure to tell her that. But he could also see the rubble of other buildings, and occasionally they had to step around it.

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