Chapter one

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Come down stairs sis, family meeting I guess is happening

Okay, one sec I'm coming

I answered Jack. After closing my laptop, I was watching Teen Wolf for the 5th time this month, I walked down the stairs into the living room. Sighing I plopped down on the couch next to my twin brother Jack.

"Okay so, since your all here I'll tell you now. Me and your mother are going away for a week. And yes we know Jack that you're going to New Jersey to see Grayson and Ethan. But we need you to take your sister with you." My father stated. My eyes widened. He wants me to stop watching Tyler Posey and go to New Jersey!

"Uh, why can't I stay here? I am 15 after all." I stood up, I was very mad. All I wanted was to watch my babies. My parents didn't trust me by myself.

"It's not that we don't trust you Hun, it's just that we don't trust Jack. And plus all you do is watch Teen Wolf in your room. You should get out of the house. And what better time then with Jack when he goes to New Jersey." My mom said sympathetically. I shook my head.

"I have friends. Plus Teen Wolf doesn't talk back to me like my friends do. And I bet Jack doesn't even want me there. Do you?" I asked my brother.

"It would be nice to be with just the boys but I don't really hang with you much so I would say I'm okay with you going." Jack stood by me.

They all looked at me asking with out words if I wanted to go now. "Uh fine sure. But if you make me miss a episode of Teen Wolf I will murder you." I said before storming up the stairs and restarting episode 4 season 3 of Teen Wolf.

There was a knock at my door, I mumbled a 'come in'.

"Hey sis." Jack said entering my room and sitting on my bed. "So we leave tomorrow at 9 am. I know it's a early flight trust me I hate it too. And I'm sorry that they are forcing you to come with me. I know how much you hate being involved with my career and the fans, but you will have fun I promise. So I'd start packing now if I were you Cat. I gotta pack too so bye." Jack kissed my cheek and left.

After he left I finished the episode I was on and grabbed my suitcase and duffle bag from my closet.

When I was done packing I set my suitcase and duffle bag in the hall way and went back to watching Teen Wolf. Yeah I'm pretty obsessed with it, but hey everyone is obsessed with something.


*knock knock*

I woke up to someone knocking on my door. I groaned. Jack walked in.

"Hey ready? We're leaving in 10 minutes." He said. "I put your bags in the car already." Jack added when he walked out of my room.

After finding a 'Jack Dail' crop top that I made, because he's my brother and I learned how to make t-shirts in my printmaking class, I pulled on a pair of black high waisted shorts and all black vans.

"Alright I'm ready for probably the worst week ever." I sighed when I sat in the car.

"Oh shush Catalina it will be fun." My mother said as she drove me and Jack to the airport. I rolled my eyes and dug my phone out of my pocket. After checking Instagram and Snapchat I closed my phone.

"Come on we're here." Jack mumbled getting out of the car. Grabbing my suit case and duffle bag I walked into the airport.

When we got on our flight Jack and I fought over the window seat. I got it because he's been to New Jersey before and I haven't.

"Grayson and Ethan are going to pick us and Aaron up." Jack mentioned to me when the plane landed. I had a migraine from the stupid little kid behind me who wouldn't stop kicking my seat. I need coffee..... and Teen Wolf.

"Okay. Can we get coffee I have a migraine." I begged walking towards a Starbucks. He nodded.

"I'm going to call Grayson and tell them were here, you get me my usual?" My twin brother asked me, I nodded and ordered our coffees.


It was a short drive from the airport to the Dolan house. Both Ethan and Grayson picked us up.

"So Cat, your staying in Ethan's room. We don't have a guest room. Jack your in my room as usual. Aaron you got the couch." Grayson explained showing us, mainly me, around. I hummed and set my luggage down in Ethan's room.

Ethan's room was nice it had a queen size bed with blue covers. He had a couch on the opposite side of the room. I sat on the couch in his room.

"Like it?" Ethan spoke sitting next to me. I nodded.

"Yeah, it's just.." I thought about telling him about how I don't like Jack being famous and how I have to be dragged into it too but I decided against it. "I'm not used to all the fans at airports and randomly showing up." I explained.

"I get it. It's a lot to take in, but hey it's fun. All the friends you make and you don't even know how many lives you make better just by making a 5ish minute video every week." Ethan sighed leaning back on the couch.

"True. And I'm not exactly what you call popular. I have about three friends and they didn't even know I was coming here, actually I didn't either." I chuckled.

"Well I'll be your friend." Ethan spoke quietly staring at me. I smiled. "I'm serious. Might as well too since your staying in my room." He stood up.

"I need food. Come with me?" He asked. I nodded standing up. We walked to the kitchen and he started making mac & cheese.

"Cat, what are you- oh." Jack said entering the kitchen. "I want some food." He whined. I laughed and sat on the bar stool.

"I WANNA START SOME RUMORS WITH YOU!"  Grayson started singing as he entered the room with Aaron. I giggled at the sight.

I started to hum along while Grayson sang the song.

"Your a fan of Jake Miller?" Grayson asked sitting next to me on the counter. I nodded.

"Cool what's your favorite song by him? Mines Rumors, obviously." He chuckled.

"That one is good but I like either Hollywood or Dazed and Confused." I smiled. "He's good. I'm so jealous of his girlfriend." I mumbled. Grayson laughed.

"I thought you liked Dylan O'sprayberry or whatever his name is." Jack pointed his finger at me.

"I like Dylan Sprayberry and also Dylan O'Brien. But I also like Jake Miller. That just proves how much we actually hang out or even talk." I laughed. He put his hands up in surrender.

"Oh sorry for getting the 'Dylan's' confused baby sister." He joked. I rolled my eyes.

"Your only older by two minutes." I mumbled.

Ethan finished making the Mac & cheese and we all ate it. After that we all went to our rooms.

"Cat," I heard Jack say from outside the door. Ethan and I both looked at each other. I got up and went to the door.

"Yeah?" I asked looking and my twin brother.

"Um so.. Mom and dad have to be gone for longer than a month."

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