Having Both Good And Bad In Me

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~Rukia's pov~

I was flash stepping in the barracks looking for my brother to tell him we found (y/n). When I got to the front of the door of his office I was about to nock until he open the door himself. "Hay Byakuya we found her." That's all I have to say to him and then I started to lead him to where she is. I didn't know why he wanted to see her but I hope it's nothing to serious.

We got to the fourth division barracks and went to the room to where she is. Once we got in we saw Ichigo siting by her looking worried? I didn't know what was going on with him lately when we met her that day. I move closer and see that she was still out cold. Byakuya then came in and looked down at her and sighed in relief for some reason. I looked at him confused and then decided to tell him why he was looking for her. "Ne Byakuya why were you looking for her? If it ok to ask."

He closed his eyes for a few seconds and open then again. "I guess it was time for you and Ichigo to know why." He then sat down on the other side of her and then started to explain everything.

~Byakuya's pov~

Once I saw (y/n) that I had met a few years back I sighed in relief. Then Rukia then told me a question that I have finally prepared to answer just in case. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and open them again. I then went over and sat next to (y/n) on the other side. I then started to explain myself from what happen and when I met her and how I took her in for only 2 weeks.

"Well it all started when I was going around Karakura town as I do some times. I then felt a hollow near by from where I was so I went to go take care of it before it hurt anyone. I was actually to late as it killed only two people and their was only a little girl standing. The little girl was her, (y/n)." I said looking down at her remembering the past. "I then saw something that I've never seen before. For some reason two twin katanas came out in front of her. For her age holding a weapon like that. I thought that was idiotic of her until I saw her go and try to attack or kill it. I stopped her there and finished everything off. I didn't want any other life to be lost so I went and took it down on my own using one of my bankai." I looked up to see the both shock, horror, and sadness in them. I then kept going and kept talking.

"Her twin katanas disappear and by the look in her eye she knew she already lost everything to her. Her mom and her dad both died in front of her eyes. So you can say that was a bad childhood." I stopped and then sighed and looked down and try to remember what happen next. Then I heard Ichigo talk. "She went threw all that suffering? The day of her parents death till today?" I looked at him and saw Ichigo full in rage. "Calm down you still see her standing and breathing. She was staying strong for her parents and continued her life no matter how much she has suffered. So where was I-" Before I was going to continue half the room went dark and the other turned light. I covered my eyes because I was at the light side of the room.

When it started to clear me, Rukia, and Ichigo saw three of (y/n). One of her was dressed all white and haves silver hair. The other one was dressed all black and haves black hair. (If your hair is black you can change the color of it if you like.) Then their was the original (y/n) with her (h/c) hair and was still out cold. My eyes widen in shock as I saw the two different duplicates of (y/n) have wings.

~ (Y/N) pov ~

I started to wake up and started to sit up but felt a pain in my back but still got up. I then see two girls and one was dressed all black and the other was dressed all white. I looked around and saw that Ichigo, Rukia, and Byakuya was here but was suddenly pushed back by the girl dressed in black. "Let just get this over with Hikari." The one in dressed in all black said and had a katana that looked like mines but then I looked at the one dressed in all white named Hikari started to walk up to me. I got up off the bed and grabbed the closes thing that was next to me. I grabbed the dagger that was sitting on top of the nightstand and used it to protect myself. I looked up at Hikari with an expressionless face. "Hikari hurry up I don't want to waist my time on weaklings like them." "I know Kuraidesu."

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