Chapter 1

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I have been through this process so many times that I have lost count.

Mrs.Johnson would sit me down in this tiny office of hers for about an hour saying the same thing she said last time; 'If you asked me I could probably tell you every single word she would say to me without her opening her mouth' and while she does that I just sit there bored of my skull pretending to listen to her and nod my head at the right time.

"Ashley.." she breaks me from thought and I sit up straight "... are you even listening to a single word I say?"

I look at her and nod my head as I mutter a 'yeah' in response. She looks at me not believing what I said "Ashley this is important, this is your final chance of having a normal life before you turn eighteen, so please listen for once."

I look at her now with a frustrated expression "No offense Karla but I doubt that, you always tell me that and... look oh my god here we are again." I say the last part in a sarcastic tone of voice and continue "so please I beg of you spare me the crap."

The woman in her forties looks at me with a dejected and pitiful look across her face. "Look Ashley, I know this is hard on you and that you're probably sick of this by now, it is happening a lot and I'm sorry for that but you're not making this any easier by causing trouble everywhere you go. I wish you would actually try and maybe things could be better for you."

I look at the woman again and I breath out a heavy sigh. "Karla, I know that you are only trying to help, I appreciate it I really do but please cut the bullshit of things getting better because we both know that more than likely we will be in this same room, having this same conversation, and me not believing a single thing you say within the next month or so."

I say all of this completely believing myself because this is what we go through every time we are in this stupid room and its getting beyond old by now. Right now I may sound like a complete bitch and maybe I am one at this point but I hate this and I can't wait till I turn eighteen and move out into my own place with nobody questioning my every move.

"Ashley..." she starts but stops herself once she looks at me and realize's that she cannot change my mind on this topic. After that she shakes her head to rid of thought and looks down at the papers on her desk telling me that I leave first thing tomorrow morning.

I get up and leave but as I reach for the handle of the door she calls me back. I sigh heavily and turn back to face her not in the mood to listen to whatever she has to say.

"One more thing before you go... Rylie will be joining you."

I stood there in complete shock "W-what?" I barely get out, if I was to guess I would say I look like I just seen a ghost or something.

She didn't say another word, she just looked at the papers again with a huge grin spread across her face. I took that as my cue to leave.

I walked out the door my expression never changing. I feel like I'm about to collapse so I head to my room for the night, Once there I go straight to my bed and thought about everything until sleep took over.

About the last time I seen Rylie and about what to do once I see her again.


Daniel and Susan Walker were waiting patiently in the waiting room.

They were sat there for a good twenty minutes now and there nerves have sky-rocketed since both first entered the building.

Daniel sat there with his head in his hands, while his elbows were situated on top of his shaking knees, causing his entire body to follow the movements. He couldn't stand the waiting anymore.

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