Chapter 2

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I woke up to a body jumping on me and someone screaming my name, but not just anybody.

"Fuck off Rylie" I grunted out. The body on mine started moving and I felt like I could breath properly again. Instead of actually getting up I decided to just roll onto my stomach and go back to sleep.

"Seriously Ash, this is how you greet me. Come on get up" she whines.

"Shhh, I'm sleeping!"

She slaps me across the head " well though shit, get outta this bed now or I'm getting some ice cold water."

I turned over in the bed to face the demon with a warning look "you wouldn't!"

She looked down at her fingers and started picking at her nails "don't be so sure of that..." she responds and glances at me with an evil glint in her eyes.

'Shit' I mentally curse. Knowing full well that she defiantly would do it and enjoy it too. "Ughh fine, i'll get up. But just know I really hate you."

"Love you too sis. Also get a shower you look like shit..." she started waving her hand by her face insinuating a bad smell "... and you stink, like real bad"

To that comment I push her off the bed and onto the floor " whats with the abuse.. and here I thought you missed me and would have showered me with love" I say dramatically feigning hurt.

"That's not the kind of shower you need"

I was about to push her again but she jumped away and put her hands up in surrender and the two of us burst out in a fit of laughter.

After that I got clean clothes and headed for the bathroom. When I got there I looked into the mirror and agreed that I looked like shit. 

After a long needed shower I headed back into the room to realize that Rylie was gone, my heart dropped instantly. It amazed me that no matter how long we went without seeing each other once we were together it was like we were never separated in the first place. I missed her a lot our only communication through a phone, only meeting up once every 2-3 months because of the amount of distance between us. I hate that I missed so much time in her life and I hope that maybe this time will work out more than a month because I want to stay with Rylie.

I decided that I should start packing my stuff, seen as I didn't bother to last night.

It didn't take long seen as I don't own a lot thanks to constantly moving about, it was easier to carry light knowing that i'll move soon again. The longest I stayed somewhere over the last two years was about four months with a family.

  Once I finished, I headed down the stairs to look for Rylie and of course she was in the kitchen stuffing her face.

"How are you not fat?" I questioned as I walked in and sat beside her.

When she finished chewing on the food in her mouth she swallowed and simply answered shrugging " I work out a lot"

"But you eat a lot more than anything else, every time I see you, you have food in your mouth"

"How would you know." That right there hit a spot, although I know she was half joking I frowned and ducked my head in shame. Rylie obviously noticed this and tried to track back "Ash... i'm sorry I didn't mean it like that.."

"Yeah you did Ry, but its okay I understand. I haven't been there that much and even when we were together I didn't put much effort into knowing your life, I was so caught up in my own problems that I kept to myself and left you alone. But this time I want to change that, Ry I want to be apart of your life, I want to try this time and say at this place for as long as we can because i'm sick of getting to know you through a stupid phone. I can't promise we will be there long, but I can promise that I will try this time because I don't want us getting separated again. I want to be the big sister you can count on."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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