#1 How you met

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-Harry Potter-

Your quick pace wasn't easy to keep up with as you could hear your best friends calling you from behind as you sighed. The teachers were overstressing you with homework and you had been sleep deprived since your NEWTS started and the teachers were crazy about them.You sighed as you strolled through the halls, rubbing your eyes, not being able to register anything that you were doing, much less play the Quidditch Match that was happening tomorrow.You were the captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team this year and you were just thinking how that makes it worse now.The teachers had the idea that the students had so much fun studying so they gave you double homework.You yelped as you were suddenly on the ground, your books spilled around you as you blinked rapidly and looked ahead of you, seeing a messy black haired boy with emerald green eyes."Are you okay?"He asked, helping you up and picking up your books and giving them to you as you smiled."Yeah, thanks."You said as he nodded."I'm Harry by the way.Harry Potter."He said as you smiled."I'm Y/N."

-Cedric Diggory-

You were a Slytherin so you were not really on to your studies but you still loved Potions with all of your heart so you had all the homework, and aced all exams and of course were an excellent student at it.One day you were writing your homework in the library, before classes which meant you had to miss breakfast but it was worth it because this will guarantee an O since you had put so much time and effort in it, and you really wanted that grade in Potions since it was your last year in Hogwarts and you wanted to become a potions master after you graduated and rushed out of the library in hurry as the bell rang, which caused you to forget the parchment in the library. It was the last period of the day which was your potions class as you entered the classroom and rummaged for the paper as you realized it wasn't there and panicked, storming out of the classroom and rushing into the library frantically searching for the paper on the table you were writing it."Looking for this?"You heard a male voice behind you as you turned around and saw a Hufflepuff boy holding your homework as he offered it to you, smiling and you released a deep breath, smiling."Thank you."You said."No problem, I'm Cedric Diggory."He said as you looked up at him.He was about your age."I'm Y/N L/N."You said, hugging the parchment to your chest.

-Ron Weasley-

It was your first year at Hogwarts and it was the sorting as you were squirming and shifting where you stood from anticipation as your best friend, Hermione was called up and you grinned as she started muttering but it didn't bother you much since you were used to her personality since you knew her since you were babies."She's crazy, I tell you."You heard a red haired boy mutter to a black haired as you turned around and crossed your arms, raising an eyebrow.Man, Hermione was affecting you."Excuse me but Hermione is not crazy."You stormed as Ron looked down and nodded."I'm sorry.."He muttered as Harry sorrowly looked at him and then at you."I'm Harry Potter and this is Ron Weasley."He said as you nodded."I'm Y/N L/N"You said, sighing as you turned to Mcgonagall announcing the names and the kids getting sorted.

-Draco Malfoy-

You were sitting with your friend Hermione beside the Black Lake, studying for the upcoming exam and you wanted to ace it since you didn't want to be a failure and you just liked studying ingeneral, as you were a Ravenclaw.You looked at Hermione as you glanced at the Black Lake and shook your head, getting back to your studies and furrowing your eyebrows as you heard stomping coming towards you and saw Draco Malfoy's gang."Here we go again."You muttered.You never really communicated with Slytherins or ever got to know one."Hey mudblood.Who's your friend here?"Draco taunted as you growled and looked up at him."Hermione is not a mudblood, there's a more polite term called muggleborn."You sneered, standing up as Draco's group oohed."And who are you?"He asked, glaring at you."I'm Y/N L/N and now get out of here before I call a teacher."You threatened as his group sneered and they just stomped away with Hermione and you grinning.

-Neville Longbottom-

You were a Gryffindor and everyone thought you as a pretty worthy one since you weren't afraid to take risks and you just primarily were bold and cunning but you had a sweet and kind side of you that you rarely showed.For example you loved Herbology and plants, so you were hoping to become a botanist or a Herbology teacher after you graduated.One day you were in class and you were partnered with another Gryffindor boy named Neville which you didn't get to know really well as you were always hanging out with Fred and George.You looked at the shy trembling boy as you did your work, carefully extracting the puss from the plant."Hello, what's your name?"You asked kindly, tilting your head."N-neville L-long-gbott-tom."He stuttered out shyly as you smiled at him kindly."I'm Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you Neville."

-Fred/George Weasley-

You were walking around the halls as you were being careful, since lately there had been alot of pranks and accidents going on and you weren't going to be a victim of one.At least you didn't plan to.You sighed in relief as you sucessfully arrived in the library and sighed as you smiled happily but the joy wasn't long as you felt something gooey spill on your head and you screamed, only to be shushed by one voice as you heard a spell chant and you were sparkling clean, peeking one eye open to see a ginger haired twin infront of you."I gotcha good, didn't I? I'm Fred/George Weasley."He said as you shook your head and chuckled."Y/N L/N.Nice to meet you Fred/George."

-Hermione Granger-

You were studying in the library as you sighed and picked up a book, that you had an assigment for and you wanted to finish it as soon as possible as you turned around and felt your forehead bump into another person's forehead."Ow!"You exclaimed as you rubbed the sore spot and the person gasped."I'm so so sorry."She said as she picked up your book off the ground as you dropped it when your foreheads collided and handed it to you, you peeking your eyes open, seeing the famous Hermione Granger infront of you."I'm so sorry again. I'm Hermione Granger."She said as she smiled and you nodded, smiling."I'm Y/N L/N, nice to meet you Hermione."

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