Chapter 4

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I could just see it in her eyes. She thought I was pitying her. Okay, shoot me I didn't feel necessarily comfortable talking to her at first, but after the three hours of joking around and getting to know each other I warmed up. She was more than this quiet, extremely shy girl that everyone saw.

She was Grace Leila Adams and she was special. I don't think she knew how special she really was. My whole pessimistic view of being friends with a girl faded away. I didn't see why I was against it when I can easily have a friend, that is a girl, and still be with other girls. Plus, maybe she could give me some advice. The odds were working out in a favorable way.

Of course I couldn't let this happen without telling one of my best friends, and him teasing me obviously.

"You! Alex Gaskarth are willing to be just friends with a girl without seeing her naked first?" Jack said over the phone. I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose. What was it with people thinking that I can't be friends with a girl without sex? My history with girls wasn't really working out in my favor at the moment, but it was the past.

"Yes Jack, I have not seen Gracie naked, nor do I want to because I don't want to fuck this up. She's a cool girl, in fact I invited her to sit with us tomorrow." I explained while picking at loose threads on my quilt. It might've been midnight, and it might've been a school day tomorrow, but that didn't stop me from staying up.

"Alright, alright, so you wouldn't mind if I made a move on her?" He asked. There's the Jack I know, being his usual over flirtatious horny self.

"Do you even know what she fucking looks like?" I asked clearly annoyed.

"Nah, but why don't you describe her so I know what I'm working with." He said.

I wasn't sure if I felt comfortable doing this, but has that ever stopped me before? No. "She has red wavy hair-"

"Oh a ginger! Feisty! You know they say gingers are the best in bed." He interrupted. I laughed and rolled my eyes even thought he couldn't see me.

"She has glasses, um, nice eyes." I trailed off and didn't really have anything else to say. I was kind of regretting not looking at her face a lot now. Curse my teenage hormones.

"You were too busy looking at her rack weren't you?" He asked with a laugh.

"She has a pretty nice ass to." I said my voice going up an octave.

"Sooo, I can make a move on her?" He asked again. I don't know how I felt about that, I mean like she was like one of my new friends and it would be slightly weird to see Jack dating my neighbor. Then again, I could-what the hell am I thinking? I need to stop. She's a friend. Can't I have one friend that happens to be a girl that I don't have intentions to sleep with?

"Yeah, go right ahead, but if you hurt her you can erase the future children you have planned." I threatened. Of course they were empty threats because I don't think I could have the ability to do that to another guy. I would certainly be mighty pissed with him though.

"Jack Bassam Barakat! Go to bed! You have school in the morning!" I heard yelled over the phone. I chuckled lightly through the phone and heard Jack growl a little through the phone.

"IM SEVENTEEN MOM LEAVE ME ALONE!" I heard him yell back. "Shut it Gaskarth." He muttered.

I heard a door open and covered my mouth with my hands. "Are you forgetting the fact that you came out of me?" I heard his mom say loudly.

"Mom!" I could just see his cheeks reddening with the fact that this was happening over the phone.

"Nope hang up, go to bed." Then I heard a door close and Jack muttering "stupid rules, stupid mom." He sighed.

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