Chapter 10

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I was drunk. I knew it. I like how the room spun though. It was fun. I was having fun. This party was fun. Although, I don't know who I was dancing with. I think his name was Jake. The quarterback? I don't know, but guess who hooked up with a football player? This girl! I didn't care about Alex. Who needs Alex?! I certainly don't. I'm having fun right now I don't need him.

"You are" Jake breathed into my ear. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck while my back was still to his chest. He guided my hips to some crappy pop beat and started kissing my neck. I was having to much fun to care.

"You wanna get a room?" He whispered in my ear. I wouldn't exactly mind hooking up with him, he was hot i'll give you that.

"I actually want another drink." I shouted and staggered away with him following close behind. I poured straight vodka into the cup and drank it while I held onto the table for support. I put the cup down and turned to Jake smiling.

"Lets dance!" I yelled and grabbed his hands dragging him to the dance floor. I started grinding on him and he was more than happy to cooperate. For some strange reason a soft song came on, what is this prom? I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck as we continued dancing. He looked at me and leaned in connecting his lips with mine as he cupped my butt and brought me closer. I hated the fact that even though I was making out with another guy, my thoughts traveled to Alex. Maybe I could forget about him if I tried hard enough.

I was probably trying in the wrong way. I was to drunk to care at this point. I bit his lip while he slid his tongue into my mouth making a moaning sound as he made his hands roam my body. I was purely enjoying myself at the moment as well and I bet Alex was too. Goddamn it! Always right back to Alex! I pulled the collar of Jake's shirt pulling him towards the hallway and the stairs. I didn't think I could make it up the stairs just yet, so looks like making out is where's it going so far.

"You're a great kisser." He said breathless as he connected his lips with mine. I hummed in agreement and tangled my fingers in his hair. He stopped kissing me when someone tapped on his shoulder and when he turned around I saw that it was Alex. I rolled my eyes and pulled his collar back to me but he looked at me and held up a finger.

"Hold on babe, let me see what the loser wants." He said and turned fully towards Alex. I know it was harsh to just stand back and watch my hookup get in my best friends face, but I was too drunk to care. Or was it just that I was so hurt that I just didn't care anymore.

"What do you want?" Jake asked poking Alex's shoulder. Alex brushed his shoulder and looked up at Jake. He was obviously shorter why doesn't he just back off.

"I would like my friend back if you don't mind." Alex said standing his ground. Jake could knock his ass out in one punch.

"I don't think she wants that, we were having fun, right Grace?" I smiled deviously and nodded walking my fingers up his chest.

"Now if you'll excuse us." He said turning around and connecting his lips to mine biting my lip and tugging me closer. He stopped kissing me and turned around again with another tap on the shoulder and Alex still standing there with a smug look on his face.

"What did I say? Get lost asshole!" Jake yelled and turned back around and smiled down at me. Which quickly turned to a frown as he turned back around

"I swear if you cockblock one more fucking time i'll pummel you to the-oh my fucking god there's two." Jake said in an exasperated tone. I looked over his shoulder and rolled my eyes when I saw Jack standing there.

"We would like our friend back." Alex said and crossed his arms. Jake stood in front me and blocked me.

"And what if she doesn't want to go with you?" He asked. Alex didn't answer instead punched him in the face and being drunk off his ass Jake fell and held his cheek as he cursed under his breath. Before I could bend down and check to see if he was ok Alex pulled me out of the house as he walked to the car. He wasn't as drunk as me, but he sure knew how to damper a mood. I lost part of my buzz and pulled away from him.

"What the fuck was that all about!" I screamed as he turned around to protest me pulling away.

"I just don't want you hooking up with him, he's bad news." He said and held up his hands in defense.

"And since when can I not hook up with him because you said so. Are you my mom!" I yelled and flung my arms around. My anger was boiling and I wasn't so shy now with a couple of drinks in my system.

"Since you asked me to protect you!" He yelled. I scowled and poked my finger onto his chest as I began to spoke.

"Don't you dare think that you can tell me who to or who not to hook up with and think that you can go around hooking up with other random girls and not let me have a little fun that you encouraged while you and get a quick fuck! What about me! Huh! Did you ever once consider what your actions do to people around you, instead of being a fucking shining rainbow of idiocy and hypocrisy. Is your head so far up your ass that you don't realize what you're doing or saying! Do you think you're protecting me, do you think that somehow I'm just some innocent shy girl who doesn't know jackshit about what she's doing! Well i'll tell you something Alexander. William. Gaskarth. I know damn well what I'm doing and I don't need some..some..BOY telling me what to do." I finished out of breath as I stepped away. He had wide eyes and was as still as a statue.

I don't think he was expecting something like that. He didn't have anything to say back as he just stood there in shock leaning against the car. I took a deep breath and turned around.

"I don't need a ride, I'd rather walk to stay away from you." I said and turned around to see Jack with the same expression as Alex with a cup in his hand and his jaw dropped. I scoffed and walked away in the opposite direction from them and to my house. I can't believe that only three days after I make a new friend I lose it. I don't even know if I lost him but after my little outburst I surely did. I got about halfway there before I felt tears prick my vision. I wiped them away as fast as they appeared and refused to let any others spill. I wasn't going to shed one tear about Alex Gaskarth. It wasn't worth it.

An: *nervous laughs* he. Hehe. So. It's not that bad at least. I promise. *runs away*

Let's dedicate this chapter to @M_Guilbert because she's still voting strong af

Song of the chapter: Drella by Pierce The Veil because AFFTD HAS GOT ME UNDER ITS HOLD I CANT EVEN

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