Part 3 - Monday's aren't so bad afterall

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After a weekend constantly thinking about Mr Smith's gorgeous eyes, his perfect hair, his lips, his shoulders, his voice Monday arrives once again. I meet Lauren in our usual place - outside the staff room - where I tried to listen to her go on about some camp she went on during this weekend but all I could think was where is Mr Smith right now and when am I going to see him next. We got to our registration class and waited outside for our teacher. As we were waiting for our form teacher we saw a large group of teacher walking towards the computing block, I instantly search for him in the group. As he approached I could hear his laugh and even that made me feel weak and as he got closer our eyes locked and they stayed locked until I felt Lauren tugging at my arm as our class was going in. He smiled and looked back to the ground and I went into form.

As Mrs Evans - my registration teacher - took the register I eagerly checked my planner to see if I had Computing today. Maths, German, games, Computing, English. YES! But after PE.. I'm going to be all hot and sweaty... Ugh. But oh well as least I get to see Mr Smith today anyways!

The day dragged so much leading up to computing, especially because it was a Monday, Monday's always seem to last forever and to start a Monday off with maths was no help either. I just couldn't focus on anything. Then came German, still couldn't concentrate on the work and kept going off into day dreams. This Monday wasn't going well at all. Games came and for that lesson, I did manage to distract myself from Mr Smith as we were playing basketball in the lesson and me and Lauren both love basketball so got really stuck in. Although this lesson was great fun, I was very hot and very sweaty! My games teacher called me over at the end of the lesson and explained how a girl in the schools basketball team was at home because she was ill so wasn't able to compete in the match against another school. She then asked if I was willing to substitute in for her for this match. I was super exited to get the chance to play for the school basketball team! I was told that I should stay in my kit because I wouldn't get a chance to change before the game. As we walked over to computing I was still so exited about the game later I didn't stop talking about it to Lauren all the way over there! I was buzzing with excitement! We got into class and Mr smith wasn't there. For a moment I was worried but soon sat down and told the boys about me playing in the team. We were all having a good laugh until the class went quiet as Mr Smith walked in, followed by Mr Kirk the maths teacher. We became silent as he is a very scary teacher. Mr smith stands and glares at me. My stomach stops.
"Mr Kirk would like a word with you Sarah" he says with a firm voice. My good mood once again vanishes as I follow Mr Kirk out of the classroom. We stand in a corridor as he starts to shout. He starts telling me that for the past week I have clearly not been listening and I did very poorly in the previous test we did. He said that he didn't want someone who has no interest in doing well in his class. As he continues to shout I can feel that lump in my throat that means I am going to cry. I hate being shouted at. I absolutely hate it.
"Now, I want you to politely ask your teacher if you could be excused from your lesson and come with me to retake the test you failed last week" the thought of telling him I'm doing poorly in Maths makes me want to throw up, I don't want him to think I'm stupid.
I slowly open the door and in a very quiet and husk voice - which sounded like I'd been crying - I asked if I could be excused. The look he sent me at that moment can not be described. He looked concerned and worried and sad all in one. And softly said
"Of course but could I possibly see you in here at lunch time so you can, um, catch up on the lesson" I nod and then leave the class.

An hour passes in that math class. An hour that consisted of Mr Kirk telling me how I was not good enough to be in his class and how I was so irresponsible. I felt like crap to be honest. The bell rang for lunch and I got up and headed toward Mr Smith's class. I knocked on the door and as I walked in he immediately got out of his chair and walked towards me.
"Sarah, are you okay?" He asked in such a tone I couldn't even pretend to say I'm fine.
"no..." Was the only thing I could get out before bursting into tears. And the moment that I broke i instantly felt his arms wrap around me. What was happening? I was still too upset about Mr Kirk to even freak out about him, Mr Smith, the gorgeous, fit teacher I've had a crush on from the moment I laid eyes on him actually hugging me. All I could do was stand there as his strong arms wrapped around me.
He leaned back, his body still against mine, he had one hand around my waist and he lifted one up to my cheek and wiped away one of my tears.
"He made me feel completely stupid and useless" I say trying to compose myself and use actual English.
In a soft voice, which I could hardly even hear, he replies "Sarah, you are neither of those" I smile and look up from the ground into his beautiful hazel eyes.
"I hate Monday's" I laugh and go to sit on the desk but before I do both his hands are around my waist and I feel him pulling me closer.
"You have a stunning smile" he says, smiling, still moving closer to me.
"So do you" I whisper. He closes the only gap between us with his lips. So soft and gentle. His hand move around towards the small of my back and mine wrap around his neck. I feel his hands slowly lowering towards my gym shorts and i tended slightly but he noticed. Slowly he lifted up his head and bit his lip.
"You don't understand how much I've wanted to do that since I've met you" he says as he takes a step back.
"Oh I do, trust me" I mumble
I look up at him and I can't help but smile.
"Thank you" I whisper. "Thank you for believing in me"
"Well hey, Monday's aren't all that bad then" he says with a smirk and I smile back.
"There's that beautiful smile back! Oh and Lauren mentioned you're playing for the team today? That's awesome!" He says with an impressed expression on his face
"Yeah I'm filling in for a girl who's ill, I'm so exited!" I reply a little too excitedly
He smiles and looks me up and down
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask, suddenly feeling very self conscious as I was wearing very short shorts and a tight gym top for basketball later.
"I just can't believe how stunning you are..." He says now looking back at my eyes
I feel myself blushing a little as he moves back towards me and places his hand again onto my cheek.
"Sarah, I honestly think you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met and I do not want anyone to ever tell you differently" I'm not good at taking compliments because I'm sure everyone says them just to make me feel better and are lying. So all I do is smile towards the ground and step away from him to grab my bag
"I better be going then" I say, still looking towards the ground
"Ok" I hear him say, suddenly very close to me. He places just two fingers under my chin and guides my lips up to his. I need to stand on my toes slightly to reach him. It was just a small kiss but words can not describe the feeling between it.
"I'll see you tomorrow sir" I say heading towards the door
"It's Adam" he says with a smile
"Bye Adam" I say, biting my lip as I walk out of the door.

Then it hit me. When I reached the block doors. Bam. He kissed me. I kissed him. He. Kissed. Me. WHAT?!

A Love Like Ours (teacher-student)Where stories live. Discover now