*Chapter 4*

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Lost & Found (The Band Perry)

Chapter 4

**Mayleigh's POV**

Lennon disappeared, and there's nothing I could've possibly done to find her again. She disappeared, and I had no choice but to walk back in the little cafe. It's too early to head back to my brother's office, and I already know that if I did, he'd send me back out to wander. I find myself glancing off to The Band Perry, and I catch Kimberly glaring back at me. Her eyes are hard, and focused, as if she's trying as hard to remember who I could be and why I'm here. I abandon my seat, walking out the door. I have no purpose staying behind, and Kimberly's glare was becoming too much. What interest should she have in me?

I shake any thoughts from my mind, and let my feet stumble forward. My phone vibrates against my leg, instantly scaring me. "Hey sis, I'm getting off work early so we can spend the afternoon together. Wanna grab a place to eat for lunch at 12?" I almost gasp in surprise, he's taking the day off to spend it with me? Even though the circumstance is odd I almost feel as if I could jump in joy. Finally, maybe I'll get my best friend back. None the less, I begin making my way back to the building he's working in. I think about Lennon and her locket, noticing each of the details in my mind. It's just like mine. I wonder if hers says 'Lennon' on the back, and if it has a key. I wonder if she ever has opened her locket. Maybe her key works, and mine somehow got lost in translation. Could her key open mine too? I've always wanted to know what's inside.. Maybe some day I'll finally know.

As I turn the corner, I see my brother smiling down the street at me. "Hello May!" He calls in an upbeat tone.

"Hey bro," I say. Alright, something is definitely up. Maybe something happened at work?

"Guess what I got you!?"

"What?" I ask, excited for whatever news lies ahead.

"The Band Perry are going to be Fan Fair X tomorrow for a signing, and I got you and I tickets!" He cheers. "And, remember how I was talking to you about their Fan club Party, well I got you tickets to that too! AND, I got us pit tickets to the LP Field show on the night they're playing, complete with full VIP & Backstage passes!"

My jaw almost drops to the floor, meet and greets.. times MULTIPLE. "Are you serious?!?! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I throw my arms around his neck and give him the biggest hug ever. "I knew there was a reason I liked you so much," I say through a smile.

He just laughs. "Alright sis, ready for lunch?"

"You betcha!"

**Lennon's POV**

After humiliating myself I go to the alley behind the restaurant I need to collect myself and go find a suitable place to stay. I hear voices and I walk out of the alley to investigate. I hear a crash coming from back in the alley and I see a man running off with my mandolin and bag in hand. I begin running but he's too far gone. That's it!!! I'm DONE. with this!!!! I sit and cry. Just cry it out. All the pain, all the hurt from being adopted I just want a good family!

As I sit in the alley with my back against the cool wall my mind keeps wondering back to Mayleigh. She's a really pretty girl, like gorgeous. I laugh thinking about how typical 13 year old she is, slightly annoying but still really cool. My mind wanders to her locket, why do we have the same one? I wonder if she's ever opened hers. I take a deep breath and decide I need to get moving.

I turn the corner and walk into the Sun Records Store and begin looking through the many records. I smile seeing an entire row dedicated to Johnny Cash and Elvis Presley. I notice a nice looking little guitar on the small stage at the back of the shop. I go up to it but am stopped by a velvet rope.

"Beautiful guitar huh?" I turn to see a man with white hair and a white shirt and jeans. He's carrying a black cane and wearing black sunglasses.

"Yeah, I wonder what'd it be like to play." I say to the man looking back at the guitar.

"How old are you darlin" He turns to me, "And what's your name?"

I look back noticing people starting to congregate at the front of the shop.

"Lennon, and I'm 15" I turn back to the man. Gosh! He looks so familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

"Well Lennon, you're 15 and with a name like that I'd say it's ok to get up and play that guitar." He smiles and holds the rope up.

"Sir I couldn't do that. It's not allowed, that's why they have it roped off." I step back looking at the crowd of people forming. What is going on?

"Lennon, I assure you you won't get into any trouble" He bends down to me and smiles.

I give him a small smile and slip under the rope. I get up onto the stage and grab the guitar. It seems to vibrate in my hands, I pluck the top string and the sweetest sound I have ever heard comes out of it. I sit on the stool putting it on my knee. An employee brings a folding chair to the man and he sits in it.

"Play me something Lennon!" He shouts laughing.

I smile and begin to pluck away, playing one of the songs my "mama" used to sing to me.

He said I'll love you 'til I die

She told him you'll forget in time

As the years went slowly by

She still preyed upon his mind.

He kept her picture on his wall

Went half crazy now and then

He still loved her through it all

Hoping she'd come back again.

He kept some letters by his bed

Dated 1962

He had underlined in red

Every single I love you.

I went to see him just today

Oh, but I didn't see no tears

All dressed up to go away

First time I'd seen him smile in years.

He stopped loving her today

They placed a wreath upon his door

And soon they'll carry him away

He stopped loving her today.

I finish hitting the last note perfectly. I look up to see everyone in the store completely silent. The man sitting in the chair takes off his sunglasses and looks at me.

"Little miss do you know who sings that song?" He asks his eyes staring intently into mine.

"No sir, I just remember hearing it as a child." I say.

He stands up from his chair and walks toward me.

"Young lady that song was sung by George Jones. Ever heard of him?" he asks staring into my eyes.

"Yes sir I know who that is." I say scared to death.

"I'm George Jones honey." He says.

My mouth drops and I begin to freak out. It's him!! I sang his song and played his guitar! How could I be so stupid.

"Now Lennon, do you have a guitar?" He asks me.

"No sir." my eyes fill with tears as I try not to freak out.

He pushes my hair out of my eyes and presses the guitar deep into my hands. He utters two simple words

"It's Yours"

The words hang in the air.

"How can you give me this?" I ask him.

"Look on the bottom" I turn the guitar over and see written in beautiful scrawl King George.

I freeze. Holy crap this is his guitar!!!! I look at him and smile.

"Thank you" I say and he smiles.

"You are so welcome my dear. Now play some more on YOUR guitar"

I laugh and begin to play. When I look at the clock again it reads 6:45. I stand up and thank Mr. Jones for the guitar and he hands me a wad of cash as I walk out the door. As soon as I walk out the door a cool breeze hits my face and I smile at the sound of Nashville nightlife beginning.

I walk over to a guitar shop and buy their cheapest case and put my beloved guitar in it. I then decide to make my way down Broadway listening for any music that catches my ear. At the very end of the street I see a band in the window of Tootsie's Orchid Lounge. I stop to watch and listen when I hear my name called and I turn to see Mayleigh rushing towards me. Part of me wants to get lost in the crowd but the other part of me is curious as to what she wants.

"I'm so glad I found you!" she stands beside me and looks back at a boy talking to an older gentleman, "I don't have much time to talk but meet me back here tomorrow at 10 am." she shoves a pass in my hand, "Trust me you'll want to come!" she says excitedly and hurries back to the young man and gives me a quick little wave as she walk away.

I smile and look at the pass, its a Fan Fair pass so I assume whoever her parents are got it for her.....soooooo why is she giving it to me?

**Mayleigh's POV**

Our afternoon was spent all over town. Connor gave me the full tourist experience. We hit up the Country Music Hall of Fame, The Ryman Auditorium, Studio B, The Grand Ole Opry, and soooo many other places. I've done so much walking today, that my feet hurt like mad. "Connor, can we go eat then go home? I'm a bit tired," I say through a big yawn.

"Yeah me too. Does The Hard Rock Cafe sound good for dinner?" I respond with a nod.

Once we get there, we both order and I decide to strike up a conversation. "So, what do you do exactly at your job?"

"Well, at Big Machine I-," he's suddenly cut off by the sound of his phone ringing. He looks from his phone to me, an apologetic smile crawling across his face. "I gotta take this, sorry!" I frown.

In the time that he's gone, our waiter brings out the food. I thank him gracefully, and begin to eat. I'm nearly done with half of the club sandwich that I ordered when Connor finally walks back in the room.

"I'm so sorry!" He says forcefully. The expression grows on his face, and I realize what he's about to say. Of course this afternoon was too good to be true. "It was my boss. I can't take off tomorrow, there's some emergency with an artist-" I tune the rest of the sentence out. It's just some crap, lame excuse. "May, I'm sorry. You can still go if you want. And I may still be able to go to LP field."

"I understand. I'll just go by myself then."

"I really am sorry, Mayleigh." He says.

"Yeah," I say through a frown. "I know." The rest of the dinner consisted of silence, besides the occasional tidbit from the waiter. When we finally get up, I'm thankful. I am so ready to sleep the day off. As we walk down the sidewalk of Broadway, Connor let's out a groan. "What?" I ask.

"I forgot where I parked the car." I roll my eyes, of course.

"Hey, Martin! Come here a moment would you?" Someone calls. I turn my head in confusion to see an old man waving his arms. I have absolutely no idea who he is. Connor rushes over to talk to him. Now that makes sense. I turn and walk to sit myself against the side of a building to wait. Just as I sit down I notice a brown haired girl across the street holding a guitar case. Lennon. An idea springs into my mind and I rush across the street.

"I'm so glad I found you!" I say to Lennon. I glance behind my shoulder to make sure Connor can't see me. I don't know what exactly he's saying but I can tell he's at about the tail end of the conversation. I turn back to Lennon quickly, "I don't have much time to talk but meet me back here tomorrow at 10 am. Trust me you'll want to come!" I push one of the Fan Fair X passes into her arms before I rush back across the street. I hope she'll come tomorrow. But I guess We'll have to wait and see.

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