*Chapter 7*

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Lost & Found (The Band Perry)

Chapter 7

**Lennon's POV**

"Kimberly looked right at me. I saw her look at me, at us. But when she did she stopped smiling. And her expression changed to one that seemed to be upset, or scared. I don't know. Then she talked to the security guard and he came and told us we couldn't meet them," Mayleigh says with an upset expression on her face.

I nod listening to her, "See I told you they hate us." I give her an eye a little more evil than I meant too and mumble, "I should have never trusted you."

Immediately Mayleigh's face falls to an emotion that I know well, hurt. "What?"

"Nothing," I shake my head and pick up my bag and case and begin to walk out of the venue.

"Lennon! Wait!" Mayleigh chases after me but I turn so fast she runs into me and I hold her at arm's length.

"You seem nice, but I don't really have time to try to meet anyone who obviously doesn't want to meet us. I'm sure your mom and dad have a ton more strings they can pull and you can live your life rich happy and meeting celebrities but I can't. I have to find a job, and a place to stay because you wanna know what I have in this world?" I hold up my case and bag, "This is it. I'm sorry I can't keep playing this game anymore." I turn to walk away because her heartbroken face is just too much for me.

"Well fine! I...uh...I don't need to do anything for you anyway!" Her voice cracks and I can tell she's trying to be firm. I shrug my bag on and use my free hand to clutch my locket and avoid the eyes of many as the tears stream down my face.  I get into an alley behind a hotel and drop my things and bang the cool stone in frustration as I really begin to sob. Why did I trust her? Why did my mom give me up? Why am I all alone? I lean against the wall and cry it out.

Eventually I realize it's getting to be evening and no one seems to stay in this alley so I choose to stay here. I notice a box by a dumpster leading from the back of the hotel and drag it over to hide me in case anyone comes looking for mischief. I look in the dumpster and notice that there is old food in it and by the looks of the mold I don't think I'm gonna eat tonight.

I simply crawl into the box, hold my guitar close and lay my head on my bag and try to sleep.

**Mayleigh's POV**

"See I told you they hate us!" Lennon shouts at me. Then I hear her whisper something under her breath. "I should have never trusted you."

My jaw falls open. "What?" I may have only known Lennon for a few days, but that's something I never expected her to say. Hurt washes over me, and I fight to hold back the tears.

"Nothing." She says, turning around to start walking away.

I wipe my eyes quickly and shout "Lennon! Wait!"

She turns around and gives me a blank stare with a hint of anger, "You seem nice, but I don't really have time to try to meet anyone who obviously doesn't want to meet us. I'm sure your mom and dad have a ton more strings they can pull and you can live your life rich happy and meeting celebrities but I can't. I have to find a job, and a place to stay because you wanna know what I have in this world?" She holds up her bag and guitar case. "This is it. I'm sorry I can't keep playing this game anymore." She turns and begins to walk away.

With each word, it feels like a dagger is launched into my heart. I fight even harder than before to hold back the tears that are just about to fall. Lennon's getting further and further away with each step, and I realize I need to say something before she goes completely, but all that comes out is, "Well fine! I...uh...I don't need to do anything for you anyway!" I criticize myself immediately. Really Mayleigh? That's all you have after what she just said? Idiot. Her words replay through my mind and I feel the first tear run down my face. Before I know it they're streaming down.

I wipe my eyes and look around to see people staring at me. I give a reassuring glance to a man I catch eyes with, and then duck my head down and fast walk to the nearest empty alleyway. I pull my phone out of my pocket to see it's only 3:43, and my brother doesn't get home from work 'til six. I debate calling him to see if he can take me back to his house but then I realize I'd have to explain the tears and then tell him about Lennon. And I really don't feel like talking, let alone explaining. I decide that I'm just going to walk home, even if it'll take me an hour. It'll give me the necessary time to think.

As I walk along the sidewalk, Lennon's comments come back to my mind. I don't think she really meant them or... maybe she did. Either way I'm mad. It makes me sad to think that she thinks of me as some rich girl that always gets her way. Me getting my way all the time is just about the opposite of reality. Maybe my parents are rich, but that doesn't mean they like to spend money on me. The only time they do is for clothes, things I absolutely need, or any possible way that they can get me away from them. I sigh. Maybe I'm crazy for befriending someone that I met on the street just because we have a similar locket. You know what? Scratch that. I am crazy. I know basically nothing about her and she doesn't know anything about me. Maybe it's for the best that we split up. Its not like I'll ever see her again after this trip is over anyway. This is a good thing, I tell myself.

But the moment I think it I know I'm wrong. Because despite the fact that Lennon and I know little about each other, she is the first person I've ever felt I had a connection with. She's the first person I felt like is my friend. Truth is, at home I don't really have any friends, or anyone to rely on. A tear rolls down my cheek and I wipe it away swiftly before it falls from my face. I wipe all thoughts of Lennon from my mind as I near Connor's house.

Once I get in the door I pull out my phone and text Connor that he doesn't have to pick me up. I yawn, realizing just exactly how tired I am from the day. I head upstairs to my bedroom and go straight to bed. It's not long until I'm fast asleep, sleeping away the troubles of the day.

**Lennon's POV**

I wake up to an immense pain in my side.

"Get out of here!" Something heavy comes down on my chest, "This is my spot!"

I scramble to get up when my head is pressed down into the dirt.

"Please let me go!" I sob clutching my things.

The man pulls me up and knocks me across my already slightly bruised face and I feel a warm sticky substance begin to run down my cheek.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please stop!" I back up and after a few more swings swift kicks I make it out of the alley and onto the street. I look at a clock which is posted outside of a bar, it reads 1AM.

Oh this is bad this is really bad! I try to think of somewhere I can go but nowhere comes to mind.

As I sit there panicking I drop my bag and when I go to pick its contents up I see my Fan Club Party pass...Mayleigh had written her address on it and directions.

She hates me, but maybe with my cheek busted open she'll have mercy.

I begin to trudge towards the direction holding a nasty t shirt to my cheek to stop the bleeding.

After what feels like forever I stand in front of a nice white two story. I notice there is no vehicle in the driveway so I'm taking a leap of faith and hoping she's home. I walk up the brick steps and knock on the door and within a minute Mayleigh opens the door and stares at me, and I break down.

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