Chapter 13

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{A/N edited}

Just read on :)

Seulgi's POV

We've been together for two weeks. Living together, I mean. It's okay I guess. Tao is funny and caring and he helps me around the house. We went shopping and he was completely ecstatic. He was running around looking at every item of clothing he could find. It was a fun day overall.

We also have been sleeping in the same bed every night. We both found out after two nights that I didn't get nightmares with him. So we just sleep together.

Today is actually the first day I'll spend without him. Taehyung and him have been texting each other for the past weeks and today, he called, saying he needed to see him ASAP. I don't know why and Tao didn't either. Taehyung didn't say why he needed Tao.

But now that he's gone, I could actually take care of things I should have done earlier. It's time for me to head out now.

I got in my car and started driving to the place I love with all my heart. I even know how long it takes to get there. 19 minutes and I was in front of the gate. As soon as I got out I was welcome by my favorite old lady.

"Seulgi-ah!" She greeted as she hugged me," it feels good to see you again!"

"It feels good to see you too, Seolhyun!" I said while hygging her back.

"Come in! They've been waiting for their mom!" She gestured me in.

When I entered the house I instantly heard them running towards me. You're not exactly subtle when you're 2 years old twins. I knew my other two babies where probably asleep on the couch. They're always there.

Seolhyun told me how much they missed me, and I responded directly to my two babies in front of me by hugging them.

"I missed you two so much! I hope you're treating the other two better!"

They both answered me in their own language and I smiled.

"We're going back home now. You'll see your new daddy at home. Now go get your things while I put the other two in the car!" I ordered them.

Seolhyun looked at me," Come on, Seulgi, they're too young to do that yet. I'll get them ready, go take care of the rest."

I did what she said and went to pick up the others. I carried them both although they're 3 and 6. They like when I carry them in my arms.

When everyone was ready I said goodbye to Seolhyun and promised her I would come back with Tao so she could meet him.

I was heading back home when I changed my mind and went to the park instead. There was no one around so I just let them loose and run everywhere. I could tell they were happy when they came back to me panting. I didn't realise it, but they were playing for two hours and it would soon be time to eat dinner. We couldn't miss this so we headed back home.

We arrived and I opened the door to let them go outside and wait while I brought their things inside. The younger stayed in the car and waited for me to come and get them while the other two followed me. When we entered they both went in different directions and I heard noise in the kitchen.

Great, one of them probably broke something!

I headed towards the room when I felt a hand on my eyes.

"Guess who?" A rough voice whispered in my ear.

Come on!

"Tao, get off!" I tried pushing him away but he kept a firm grip on me.

"Not Tao..." the rough voice said and my world turned black.

Tao's POV

"Was that all you had to say?" I asked Taehyung after looking at the time.

I've been with Taehyung for the past 3 hours. I can't wait to go back home and see Seulgi. I left her alone at home for so long.

"Yes," he patted my back and guided me back to the front door," Take care of Seulgi, and, please, look out for them. They could be dangerous."

I nodded and said goodbye before going back. I wonder what Seulgi has been doing. She's not a clean freak so I dont think she's cleaning. She's probably reading.

I arrived home faster than I thought and saw that Seulgi's car wasn't parked in the drive way.

She probably went grocery shopping...

Seeing that she was not here, I decided to have a little fun. I hid in the kitchen and waited. I didn't have to stay hidden for long though. 10 minutes later I could hear the front door open and Seulgi entered. She went into the living room to put the things she had in her arms down.

That's when I decided to start my plan "scare Seulgi". I moved quickly behind her, obviously knocking down a glass that was on the counter.

I blocked her view and denied her accusation when she told me to get off. But I didn't expect her to faint on me...

Am I that scary?


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