And don't think that for a moment that expressing the way you feel through wattapad is a bad thing. I know from personal experience that hiding something that you feel is horrible, not only does it hurt you inside it can come out randomly if front of people who you don't want them to know your story. I was in my approaches to learning class and we were asked to draw our lives. I had already been having a bad day and so I drew a keyhole that had softener shades of grey in it. After class my teacher asked me what was wrong and I said nothing. Just to put it in perspective, one of the other girls in my class drew Santa's workshop. And I know that this may be small scale to your life but it is big to me. Also your most of your friends know that you are depressed but none of my friends know that I am except for you. From one of the most depressed times in my life so far my friend wrote me a note saying and I quote " I love how you always have the most cheerful, fun attitude no matter what kind of problems happen. Plus you never get mad Egan some thing bad happens". I did not let anyone in and now I only find happiness in YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, and wattapad. Every once in a while I will genially laugh while talking to an old friend but that's because we have known each other for years and they know the old me. But you know what this summer I have been feeling happier and happier because I have been opening myself up to the parts of the world that I can trust. And that's because you inspired my to do this. If you live in the Austin area try to maybe convince your parent to transfer you to Meridian World IB School, they have a strict no bulling policy and smaller classes. They also have an amazing French teacher and most of the kids are nice. I should know I have been going their for a year know, and even though I had never been in a school like that I felt accepted. And the only reason I got depressed was that I missed my old friends and my old life. Just know that in the 2015-2916 class of 7th graders their is only 100 of us and about 200 on a wait list. But apply if you can they do really care about their students. Just know that their is always an alternative and that me and all of your friends are just a text away.