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Dan's POV:

So the past three days Evelyn has been acting...strange. She hasn't been talking to be lately. We usually have at the very least two hour long phone calls a day but only recently, Evelyn hasn't been picking up her phone or my Skype calls and will barely even text me. I was starting to get really worried about her.

I decided to try and Skype call her one more time today to see if I could get her to pick up. I took a deep breath before I clicked on her name. Two of the Skype calling sounds before Evelyn's small frame came up onto the screen. She was wearing a baby pink camisole and hot pink flannel shorts.

She sat with her legs crisscrossed. I couldn't see her face because it was cut off right above her upper lip in the camera frame. I could tell her hair was up because her hair wasn't flowing gracefully down her shoulders like it usually does. I smiled wearily and waved,

"Hey you...how are you?" I asked. I heard Evelyn let out a shaky breath and slapped a hand over her mouth. She let out a quiet sob as her other hand clamped over her the one already placed on her hand. I instantly frowned and started to get worried. Evelyn was always so happy and cheerful and adorable. I had never seen her cry before and this was heartbreaking,

"Evelyn? Love what's wrong?" I asked. Evelyn let out another sob before wiping her cheeks with her hands,

"Beta got hit by a car two days ago..." She strained out before covering her face and beginning to cry again. Oh my god. I felt so bad. Evelyn loves her animals so so so much. I sighed,

"Oh Evelyn I'm so sorry..." I said. God I wish I could give her a hug right now. Evelyn grabbed a tissue and cleaned up her face,

"Thanks. He's still alive but he had to have kitty heart surgery, he broke his left front leg and he's lost sight in one of his eyes. The doctors say he won't be able to come home for at least 2 months." She sobbed. I frowned, that was horrible, the poor thing. Evelyn was so heart broken. I was really pissed I couldn't hug her or cuddle her to help stop her tears. That got me thinking,

"Evelyn...since Beta won't be out of the hospital for a while why don't you come down to London and stay with me and Phil for a couple of weeks? It'll get your mind off of things." I suggested. Evelyn fixed her beautiful tear-stained face into the camera frame before she shook her head and rubbed her right temple,

"I don't want to be a bother Dan. Especially when I'm sad." She said. Her voice was barely audible. I shook my head and gave her a reassuring smile,

"No no it's fine. I'm inviting you and Phil adores you as well so there's no problem at all." I said. Evelyn looked at me, but her lip and looked down before she nodded and sniffled,

"Ok. I'll get on the next plane tomorrow," She said. Evelyn looked up at me again and gave me a weak smile,

"Thank you Dan...I don't know what I'd do without you." She said. She looked to the side off of the camera and giggled slightly which made my heart flutter,

"I look like such a mess. I'll let you go now, I need to pack for tomorrow and get my plane tickets before I go to sleep." She said. I smiled and nodded. We said our farewells and left. I went to sleep that night feeling really excited and nervous.

kitty and daddy ↣ dan howellOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant