Morning Routines (part 2)

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Levis pov:
I walked into Shingeki no Coffee and flinched at how filthy it was. My friend, Hanji, had recommended that I go here but now I was regretting listening to her. Well I was regretting it until my eyes met those of a cute barista. He was average height with messy, yet somehow cute, chocolate brown hair and bright green/ blue eyes. I smirked and strolled over to the counter. The barista was now blushing lightly while staring at me.

I flicked his forehead and said in amusement, "Oi stop staring at get me a black tea."

He blushed more and started making my tea after stuttering a small, "s-sorry"

I smirked again knowing it was going to be fun to tease him. Once done, he handed me my tea.

"Thanks," I glanced at his nametag, "Eren~"

He nodded and mumbled, "$1.65 please"

I handed him the money and put some change in the tip jar. He smiled at me and put the money in the cash register.

"How old are you Eren?"


I hummed in response and watched him as I sipped my tea.

"How old are you? Oh and whats your name?" He asked nervously.

"Levi and I'm twenty nine."

He nodded and smiled while I finished my tea. I then stood up, placed my business card on the counter and said, "Call me."

He blushed but nodded and I winked at him before leaving and heading to my meeting.

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