Wanna Spend The Rest Of My Life...

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Levis pov:
I had just dropped Eren home after a wonderful evening. I brought him to the Titans Festival, which, suprisingly, he had never gone to before. I made sure we went on everything. We went on the ferris wheel, the merry go round etc. I also won him a teddy bear and bought him candyfloss and Pepsi. Eren didnt stop smiling all night and he managed to make me smile. I've have not been this happy in a long time. I really enjoyed this evening but my favourite part was the fireworks at the end of the festival. As the beautiful colours brightened the night sky, me and Eren kissed. It was truly magical and ended the night perfectly. I know I only met him but I already know so much about him and we're officially dating. I think I love him...I want to spend the rest of my life with Eren...
Erens pov:
I had the most amazing night with Levi. It was so magical and enjoyable. Levi and I shared so many secrets and told each other as much as we could about ourselves. He even asked me to be his boyfriend...and I said yes. I think I love him. I wanna spend the rest of my life with Levi...

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