Cosmetic Emotions

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A new girl named ____ -chan was moving into Sakura hall today. She had silk like (h/c) hair with (e/c) eyes. She was an expert (___)

You had just arrived, putting down your bag you sighed in relief. It was your first time in Sakura hall as you looked around at the place, hope and excitement gleamed in your eyes. Suddenly, you heard multiple crashes outside as the door bolted open.

A older girl dashed into the hall, apparently she lived nextdoor, she came dashing up to you and embraced you into a hug. "AWW YOUR SO CUTE!! ARE YOU NEW HERE?! WHAT'S YOUR NAME?" You stuttered in complete embarrassment as the upperclassmen tackled you to the floor while rapidly asking you various questions. "M-m-my name is~"

"Misaki leave the poor girl alone." You looked up, seeing a boy with long raven black hair standing upon you, his arms were crossed with blank expression laying apon his 'perfect' face. You blushed, not knowing what to say as Misaki was still hugging you while giggling. "Aww! Alright." She frowned and got up, leaving you astonished on the floor, but then a grin swept across her face. "Dragon why don't you show her around?" ' Dragon' glared at Misaki for a moment looking confused yet nervous, she winked and barged right back out the door screaming.

Flustered, you rose dusting off your school uniform looking at the boy named Dragon, as you pushed a peice of your (h/c) hair behind your ear. He blushed and your inner goddess smirked in victory. Releasing his crossed arms he spoke like he didn't have a care in the world, and for some reason, you liked that. "Sorry about Misaki-Senpai, she can be a bit hyper at times~"'So that was her name, you thought looking up in awe at the nervous boy. "W-what's your name?" He spoke softly, keeping his distance. You leaned in a little closer as he fought the urge to recoil. "I'm ___. What's your name?" You smiled brightly causing him to flinch back to reality. "My name is Ryuunosuke.." That's why she called him dragon.. You were deep in your thoughts as the raven black haired boy spoke. " Welcome to Sakura hall, let me show you around" You nodded following the boy as he showed you around the spaceish place.

You stop at a room looking up at Ryuunosuke, he knocked at the door, calling as his cheeks were flustered when you leaned forwards. "Sorata, someone new moved into Sakura hall today, come say hello." There was a gleam reply. "Come on in." The boy froze, as almost like her never went into another resident's room before, he slowly opened the door, bracing himself for the worst.

You peeked into the room spotting a boy, around your age with brown short hair and a girl sitting on his bed. She was completely gorgeous, she had blonde long hair with stunning golden-like eyes, she laid there with pyjamas on, sketching something. The boy looked up at you stopping from his work and smiled. "Hi there, welcome to Sakura hall!" The girl looked up at you as you while responding, "Thank you! I'm happy to be here."

You quickly caught Ryuunosuke's gaze which was filled with curiosity, in embarrassment he quickly looked away and you blushed attempting to conceal your fluttering. The girl rose, after analyzing your every movement she swayed her golden blonde hair as she spoke softly with absolutely no expression.

"You like Ryuunosuke."

It was like time stopped. The boy stood there astonished as his mouth was open. You and Ryuunosuke felt like you were dying inside, his face was red as a tomato. Just like yours. You thought to yourself. How could she know so easily!? She just met me, is it that obvious? You quickly tried to cover up your emotions, waving your hands out with no notice whatsoever. "N-no it's not like that." Flustering, you tried to fake a smile. "I just met him.." Your gaze slowly motioned to the floor.

The boy with brown hair gawking at the blonde suddenly spoke. "Shiina! You can't just say that to someone you just met. You'll make a bad impression!" Shiina looked at the boy, completely unaware of the situation going on, she replied emotionless. "I'm sorry, Sorata." He sighed, amusement and desperation revealed in his voice as he sarcastically spoke. "That sounded so sincere.." You giggled, causing all eyes to look at you, still attempting to process what happened a minute ago, you looked at the silent boy standing beside you. His face was still red as he hasn't spoke for a while, attempting to escape your gaze he lowered his surprised eyes seeking towards the ground.

Ryuunksuke's POV

WHAT JUST HAPPENED? Infuriating in embarrassment the girl's gaze followed his, causing him to look up at her. Her eyes. He was mesmerized. Two seconds later his Gynophobia kicked into action and he stuttered and quickly looked away. What am I thinking!? I'm afraid of women I can't like her! She just moved in! What do I do what do I do.. Deep in his thoughts he gasped.


He blushed. Why am I thinking of indecent things!? He started having a panic attack inside his brain. Taking a breath he quickly told himself to keep it together. You softly spoke as it was the cutest thing in the world. " It was nice meeting you, but I'm going to unpack my things. Gomen! Ill see you later?"

For an instant he didn't know what was happening.

He suddenly felt a warm touch on your hand as you dragged him out of the room. Her warm touch made him blush as a fluttering started to spark in his chest. She giggled saying goodbye to her new friends, leading him outside the room, you let go. I feel like I'm going to pass out, he thought sighing to himself as you went to go sit and cool off your hormones in the kitchen.

Your POV

What did I just do! I took his hand? Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh, why did I do that!? Sure it was to step out of the awkward situation but holding his hand? ____-chan what were you thinking? He probably thinks your a complete weirdo now! Okay okay calm down, you sighed looking at the flustered raven black haired boy sitting on the chair fiddling his thumbs. "U-um I'm sorry about uh, you know.." You looked away, as he flinched while you spoke. "Uh, n-no it's fine.."

He was almost sweating because he was so nervous, for a moment both of you were silent. You finally decided to break the silence almost whispering. " I'm going to go unpack, thank you for showing me around, I really appreciate it!" You smiled, as he called out while you were heading towards your new room. "Oh yeah, um.. Newbie?"

Apparently that was his new nickname for you. Stubbornly he continued. "Misaki-senpai will be coming over later tonight for a hot pot party celebrating your presence." You nodded. Thinking about it, it seemed like fun. "Great! I can't wait to see you there." You giggled at his reaction and happily skipped towards your bedroom.

Ryuunosuke sat their in awe, thinking about what just happened. He looked at his hand, secretly wanting to feel her warmth again.

Until next time! At the hotpot party the other residents of Sakura hall become suspicious of Ryuunksuke and your relationship, will you two be able to figure out your feelings before its too late?

*^* the feels

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