Chapter 8

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I leaned against the door and sighed.

So..... I asked you like Riley?

I crossed my fingers behind my back, hoping the answer was yes.

Dad: well, he seemed nice-

I smiled

Dad: - but you can never be sure

I frowned.

Dad: relax, I'm joking

Dad!!! I whined

We'll I like him said mom

I hugged her

But no meeting him until Saturday


That night I dreamt about Riley

*next day*


Did u kiss?

Asked penny

Yeah I replied and told her the whole story

OMG that's so romantic!!!!! He saved you from goons and then you kissed!!!

Come on it's almost time for ballroom dancing!

Oh! No!

I forgot about that I have to meet him don't I?

I smiled I had found a loophole in

dads promise

This time I didn't hesitate when mrs. Snap told us to get closer. I was smiling and so was Riley. We kept dancing but I didn't look away from his blue eyes. His hand on my waist felt comfortable

And my hand fit nicely in his hand.

My lips were tingling.

*Riley's POV*

I put my arm around her waist and pulled her closer. I didn't look away from her eyes. She danced smoothly. Never taking her eyes of of mine. I wanted to kiss her but I couldn't mrs. Snap was watching.

*Myrna's POV*

The music stopped and I didn't want to to let go of Riley but I knew I had to.

I pulled my hand off of his shoulder and he let go of my waist. When I made sure that no one was watching a gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran away to join penny in the lunch line.


Are you listening! Penny asked me

Uh uh yeah that's great, penny I said

Your not even listening to me!

That sounds awesome I said distracted.


Yeah I said and looked at her

Your not listening!

Penny: what are u thinking about

Me: nothing

Penny: your thinking about Riley aren't you?

Me: noooooo

Penny: yes you are

Me: no I'm not!

Penny: look! Riley's over there!


Penny: ah ha! You are thinking about him

Me: fine, I admitted

Penny: come on Myrna just wait until Saturday

Me: fine.


I woke up and wore a nice outfit and waited for Riley and his parents to come. I ate breakfast and sat with my parents, waiting. They were supposed to come at 10:00 and it was already 11:00 I was starting to get nervous.

Then my dad's phone started ringing

He picked up and he started talking and his face fell.

I started to worry.

Dad got off the phone and looked at me

Dad: Myrna sweetie, was Riley's parents....Riley was crossing the street this morning and...... He got hit by a car... He's in the hospital now.

I stood completely still

The shock showed on my face


I sank down to my knees and started crying

Mom: Myrna don't worry sweetie I'm sure he'll be absolutely fine she said hugging me

Me: no! I shouted at her

Me: no! It's not alright

Me: Riley's at the hospital

Me: he needs me!

I got up and ran out the door

I ignored my mom and dad's shouts of Myrna stop

I ran as fast as I could

I ran to the hospital

Tears were running down my face

Oh Riley, oh Riley, oh Riley

Be okay be okay be okay

I repeated it like a mantra

Believing that if I said it enough times it would be true

The wind wiped my face and I tripped but I kept on going

I had to reach Riley

He needed me

I finally reached the hospital and I asked the nurse which room Riley Angelfish was in.

Floor 3 room 326

I didn't stop at the elevators

I ran straight to the stairs and ran to the third floor

I stopped at room 326 I saw two people hugging each other and crying

I guessed they were Riley's parents

I looked through the windows and saw that Riley was unconscious

When the doctor came out I rushed into the room

I sat next to the bed held his hand

Don't worry you'll be okay I whispered

I'm here you'll be fine.

I started crying


I looked up

Riley had his eyes closed but he was saying my name

I'm right here Riley I said wiping away my tears and squeezing his hand.

I heard the doctor saying something

I got up and started to go hear what the doctor was saying

But I realized that Riley was holding my hand

I slowly un curled his fingers from my hand and went by the door

I could hear the doctor saying something

Doctor: I'm afraid he was hit badly and his chances of surviving are very slim

I stopped dead in my tracks


So what's going to happen to Riley?

Added a bit of suspense!

I know short chapter

Next one will be longer.





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