One Room Short

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(Applejack's POV omniscient)
Terror ran through the earth mare's mind as she galloped across the soaked ground below.
Is the farm all right? Was I too harsh on Rarity? Is Fluttershy hurt?
Before Applejack could answer any of her questions, the six friends arrived at Twilight Sparkle's castle. Once the door was shut, they all collapsed, breathing hard from the long run and the fear coursing through their minds.
The lavender alicorn lifted Fluttershy to the ground, then began to examine her wing.
Suddenly, the pegasus lifted her head weakly.
"Twilight, you don't have to worry about me", she told her friend. "I'm alright, really."
After she said her part, the yellow mare flopped down on the chilly floor, tired from the effort.
"You are NOT alright, Fluttershy", Twilight protested. "Now let me look at your wing."
Applejack turned away, unwilling to watch them anymore. What Rarity did was absolutely unforgivable, even without the added dress fiasco.
Suddenly, Twilight Sparkle stood up, apparently done with Fluttershy's treatment.
"Since the weather is so awful, we're going to have to stay here for the night."
Of course, Pinkie Pie squealed with excitement.
The earth mare laughed. "Something like that."
"But," Twilight said, making their heads turn suddenly. "I'm short one bedroom, so two of you are going to have to share the full size bed."
Immediately, Applejack ran towards the closest room, but speedy Rainbow Dash zoomed by with her pegasus wings, leaving a trail of rainbow.
"HA! Got it!" she yelled triumphantly as the cowgirl glared at her.
She turned to grab the next room, but Twilight had already taken it.
"Sorry, AJ. This is my room."
Applejack ran throughout the castle, only to find all the rooms taken. She huffed in frustration, then realized something. She hadn't seen Rarity in any of the taken rooms, which meant...
"Looks like you're sharing a room with Rarity, Applejack!" Rainbow Dash called from her room.
The cowgirl slowly turned around to meet eyes with the unicorn mare.
Well, this'll be interesting the earth mare regrettably thought. Sharing a room with Rarity, just like that slumber party with Twilight ages ago.
Applejack sighed, then spoke up to her friend.
"Well, ready to call it a night?"
(Rarity's POV omniscient)
The pale, mud-covered unicorn met eyes with the orange earth mare in front of her.
How weird, she thought to herself. Sharing a bed with Applejack, fresh from an argument, hiding from a storm. Just like that sleepover with Twilight from forever ago.
Rarity removed her muddy dress and summoned a towel from the restroom, wiping the dried earth from her flank. She forced a smile on her face and nodded her head, trotting over to the queen sized bed without a word.
Maybe if I don't speak, I won't cause another argument.
After they both got into the bed, Rarity flicked off the light with her horn, and all was silent for a few minutes as the two mares tried to sleep.
Suddenly, to the surprise of the white unicorn, Applejack spoke up.
She sighed, then turned to face the cowgirl.
"Yes, Applejack?"
"Ah'm real sorry about earlier, ok? Ah don't know what came over me, and I shouldn't have ruined the picnic that Pinkie Pie so generously set up."
APPLEJACK is apologizing?! I'm the one who should be saying sorry! Rarity thought.
"Applejack, darling, I should apologize for getting so fancy for Pinkie's party. I can't blame you for getting upset with me."
"But, Ra-"
Rarity cut off the earth mare as she continued her apology.
"And how can you EVER forgive me for hitting FLUTTERSHY?! She did nothing wrong, and I just smacked the poor thing like there was no tomorrow! Oh, I do hope she's alright, or, to say the least, not mad at me....."
Applejack put her hoof over the white mare's mouth.
"It's ok, ah'm sure she'll be fine", the cowgirl reassured her.
Strong emotions that she couldn't explain washed over Rarity like never before, and a single tear came to her eye.
After wiping it away, the unicorn finally nestled down in the plush covers of the bed, as did Applejack.
"Good night, AJ", she said as a wave of exhaustion washed over her.
"Good night, Rarity."

(DISCONTINUED) Diamond in the Rough - A Rarijack FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now