Chapter Four.

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Its been awhile I know and I am sooooooooooooooooo sorry its been manic so this chapter is very short but it's something so here goes....


Chapter 4.


By the time lunch came around I was famished. We had been sat in silence all morning, apart from our little conversation, but that didn’t bother me. It was actuallt nice to just be sat in her presence, I finally understood what everyone was always talking about. Finding your mate was the greatest thing to happen. The drama i knew it would bring didn’t even scratch it. I had found the one person in this entire world who was made for me, whatever had happened to her was not important, we would sort it out, all that mattered was that she was with me werewolf or not as the case was.

Walking into the cafeteria with her behind me I was waved down by Josh and Alex sat at one of the larger tables no yet full with most of the pack sat there. I still wasn’t sure about what I was going to do so let my mate decide.

‘You wanna sit with my usual group or you wanna go sit somewhere different?’ she seemed to think before answering.

‘Its fine I’ll sit wherever I just need to get something from the queue.’

‘Okay’ I began to walk over to where the queue ended as she caught up with my large strides.

‘So what do you recommend?’

‘Oh I’ve brought my lunch, never tried the stuff here.’ her face scrunched up in confusion. It was unbelievably cute.

‘Why are queuing up then if you don’t need anything?’

‘I don’t but you do. I’m keeping you company’ I sent here a smile and nudged her shoulder slightly with mine as she just blushed making the ‘o’ shape with her mouth.

Looking back over at the table I noticed Josh, Alex and Missy all staring over in what almost looked like curiosity. I stifled a quick laugh as Missy realised she had been caught and looked away leaving a staring Alex and Josh with their mouths wide open.

Don’t you guy know it’s rude to stare?

Mind link was one of the many advantage of being a werewolf, I really came in handy in some situations.

Dude what are you doing you don’t usually buy food and is that the chick!? I’d tap that!

Josh had a Fucking nerve!!

Before I could possibly restrain myself my wolf let out a low warning growl to Josh. I was emediatly brought back to reality and thankful it was so low that only members of the pack could hear it. Looking around the room i noticed most eyes of the pack members on me. The rest of the school seemed oblivious to the little exchange that had just taken place.

Seconds later I noticed Mr Beamer almost running into the room searchingly, as soon as he saw me he seemed to visibly relax as he realised there was no immediate danger. Calling for me to follow him he turned to leave and began to walk to the corridor. Asking Gin if she would be okay telling her i would only be outside and would come back i went to catch up with sir in the corridor.

‘sir! Wait!’ he began to slow down and turn to face me where the hall was empty.

‘you told me not to leave her alone sir what’s the matter?’

‘What’s the mater?!?!!? Well for one i thought i was going t have to call the alpha ! what was the growl for anyone could have heared your lucky it was so low!’ oh.

‘erm well sir it’s not actually all that easy to explain-‘

‘Cut the crap son I’m not speaking as your head here. Why the growl what happened?’ he seemed to be getting angry with my response and I knew that it all had to come out at some point so why not now?

‘I found my mate sir....’ I wasn’t sure how to end the line really but I didn’t have time to finish before sir started to bow. Oh god here we go.

‘Alpha. Which one is our new Lunar?’ here goes nothing...

‘Sir were not mated yet so I’m not the alpha and my mate well... shemaybeGin.’

‘WHAT!!!!!!’ no she’s human son that’s just impossible!’ sir was shocked and quite rightly so I mean so was I.

‘With all due respect sir I know she is. I could smell here you know? Apples’ I smiled at the memory.

‘This is a mess. Oh god okay well... erm... right, I guess you’ll want to know then?’ he was speaking quietly and I knew why, I knew what he was on about.

‘Yes but not now. Could you come to the pack house tonight about 5ish. I think my dad’s going to want to know what’s going on but I just want to get back to her now please?’

I barely had time to catch his sigh and acceptance as I was already sprinting back to the canteen to get to Gin. I soon spotted her, she was walking over to the table with Josh and Alex on, Missy was talking to her about something, probable me, and I know her to well.


So? I know it was shorter than normal but what did you think please comment I realy want to know how your all feelling about it and it does help me :) thankyou for reading x

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