Chapter 3: Curiosity Killed The Cat

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I pin the two tarot cards together over the fireplace the next morning. I go and sit in the fold up chair that I borrowed, well, stole, from Mrs. Goodall and stare at them.

Whoever broke into my house and placed the card on the left, the one that has the address written on it, in my bathroom, must've known that John was going to visit me yesterday. I didn't tell anyone about it.

So, who could've known?

I furrow my brows.

How did John get my address? And what taxi did he take? Had he talked to anyone yesterday about coming to visit? No, John's not that stupid. I hope.

Guess I'm just going to have to find out.

"Mrs. Goodall!" I screamed. I hear heavy footsteps and then the door opens. "Yes?" she asks.

I turn around in the chair. "Do you know the state that John's in?" I ask. "Excuse me?"

Ugh. Moron.

"Do you know if Dr. Watson is in a coma or not?" I reduce. "Oh! Um, I honestly don't know, dear, sorry," she says.

I sigh and nod to her, and then she leaves me in my empty flat. Well, almost empty. I still have tons of unpacked boxes. The only things I've unpacked was my grandmother's chair, the guitar, my bed, my television, my clothes, and about six books. Not a lot. I don't even have food here. Eh, it's not like I eat that much anyway.

I get up from the chair and go into my room. I open the closet and pull out a pair of black skinny jeans, a striped blue and white elbow length t-shirt, a black vest and as always, my black combat boots. I put all of this on and I grab the black trench coat and put it on over my clothes. I grab my phone and wallet and stuff them in my jeans pockets and then head out.

I manage to get a cab and before I know it, I'm at a hospital called St. Catherine's. I pay the guy and get out of the taxi and stand in front of the hospital. I look at it up and down. It's seven floors high and has, God only knows, how many rooms. I take a deep breath and start towards the door.

I walk in and the stench of Clorox and peppermint greets my nose. Not a good combination in my opinion, but I can't do anything about it, so I just start to breathe through my mouth.

"Um, hello," I greet as I reach the reception desk. A woman with really curly blood red hair looks up at me. "Hello," she says, obviously bored. Oh, she's American. Great.

I sigh mentally. This should be fun.

"I need to see a John Watson," I say. She sighs heavily and taps some things on her computer. "What relation are you to him?"


She purses her dark red lips and looks at me up and down and then starts tapping again. She looks back at me with bored eyes. "Mr. Watson ain't havin' no visitors right now, sorry," she says.

I sigh a little and look to the doors and then back at her. "Please?" I ask, trying to get her cooperation. I even smile at her but she just stares back at me.

"Mr. Watson ain't havin' no visitors right now. Do you not understand me, lady?" she says sternly.

I clench my jaw and resist the urge to jump over the counter and punch her. "I understand you just fine. I just really need to see him. I have some questions I need to ask him," I explain. She stares at me. I lean in and whisper, "It's kind of life or death here."

"Well, you can't see him. So, why don't you go sit your cute little booty in a chair over there," she points to the waiting area with a long neon pink nail, "and wait until Mr. Watson can have visitors. Got it, lady?" she snaps.

I tighten my jaw again and clench my fists together. "Got it, lady," I say through my teeth. Instead of going to the waiting area like the woman "suggested", I walk out of the hospital and out of the parking lot and start down the road. There is a coffee shop not too far from here.

Suddenly, I hear a sort of meowing coming from behind me. I stop and turn around and I see a gray and white cat. It looks like it hasn't had anything to eat in months and one of its ears are chipped. It, no, he walks with a limp and I notice that he has a white bandage around one of his back legs.

"Um, hi, kitty," I say and I turn back around. I hear the meowing and I feel something circling my feet. "Go, away, kitty," I mutter as I try to shove him away.

He meows at me again and he turns to his side and pokes out his bandaged leg. I see something tucked in the bandage. I reach down and see that it's a slip of paper. I pull it out and look around me to see that the street is practically deserted. I look back at it and choose whether or not to open it. I shake my head and just put it in my pocket.

"Thanks," I whisper to him and I get up and start walking away to the coffee shop.


I pay the waiter and then start to head out. I'm about to catch a cab when I see something out of the corner of my eye. I turn my head and see some splotches of blood that sits in front of an alleyway. I furrow my brows and start to head towards the blood. I reach it and I turn my head to the alleyway and then I widen my eyes in shock.

The cat that had followed me earlier sits in the middle of the road, except it's dead. His side is slashed open and some of the ribs are torn out and are lying around him. I cover my nose with my hand the awful smell and then I make the mistake of looking at the wall.

Ever heard of the saying, curiosity killed the cat, Alice? I read. It's written in blood.

What the hell is happening?


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