Chapter 3

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Tessa Andrew's POV.

"Offside! Time for a water break and a sub in!" My coach yells exasperatedly. "Tessa! Hailee! Sub in for Kassie and Sarah, they look zonked." I hear the teacher call as I'm stretching on the sidelines.

I look over to my best friend, Hailee and she gives me a smile and a wink to which I roll my eyes. Jogging onto the field, I crack my knuckles and wait for the game to start. The whistle blows and we go. Automatically I spring into action and suddenly I'm not just Tessa Andrews, I'm Tessa Andrews a girl my team is depending on.

"Hailee! I'm Open!" I yell as three players crowd around her and soon enough she loses possession. She shoots me a look of apology and I smile at her knowingly. Soon enough, the other team has scored and our scrimmage is called to an end as soccer practice ends for the day.

Walking tiredly off the field, I crave for the cold, refreshing water that waits patiently for me on the bleachers. Just as I reach for it, it's taken away. I turn to scream at the person who dares to steal my water while I am in this tired state only to see Matteo holding- No. Drinking my water. "Hey! Give that back!" I scream in frustration.

He thinks about it momentarily. "Hmm, no. I think I'll keep it."

"You didn't even do any exercise! Why do you need water?!" I practically cry out.

"Because it's hot? If you want it so badly come and get it."

"No! I'm tired! Give it back!" Betraying my own words I practically tackle him to the floor, missing my bottle completely. I find myself laying on top of him grabbing at his outstretched arm which is too long for me to reach my bottle. "P-please give it-" But I don't finish my sentence because suddenly the world is spinning and soon my body goes limp.

Matteo Angelo's POV.

She stopped moving. "Tessa? Are you alright?" No answer. "Tessa? Answer me! Somebody call for help! She's not moving!" I scoop her up in my arms and see a girl with blonde hair comes rushing over while putting away her phone.

"Tessa! Oh my God! You're gonna be alright! I called for an ambulance they're on their way."

Soon enough an ambulance does arrive and they quickly usher Tessa into the back. I step forward to go along with her in the ambulance, but a paramedic stops me.

"Sorry son. Only her family are allowed to ride with the patient." He states sternly.

"But, I'm-" I'm cut off by the blonde who called the ambulance. "-Not her family." The paramedic nods and walks away. I glare at her for interrupting me.

She looks at me sadly and continues talking once he is out of hearing range. "The longer we stand around and argue, the longer it takes them to help Tessa. You are welcome to ride with me to the hospital if you wish."

"No, it's alright. I'll grab my car and meet you there."


"So, who are you? And why do you care about Tessa?" The girl with blonde hair questions me in the hospital waiting room.

"I'm her friend. Who are you?" I reply back.

"I'm Hailee, I've been best friends with Tessa ever since the start of high school. How come I've never seen you around before?" She asks.

"I'm new here and Tessa has really been the only person I bothered to socialize with. I guess I just met her and didn't feel the need to fraternize with anyone else."

"Well, consider yourself lucky! If you're a friend of Tessa's, that automatically makes you friends with me. You see, Tessa and I are a two for one deal. You can't get one without the other." She states cheerily.

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