15✝ Long Live The Car-Crash Hearts

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It didn't take long for Brendon to pull away from the kiss. But in his defense, I would pull away too if a ten year old swung her fist at me. Honestly though, all jokes aside, I could tell by the look in his eyes that there was another reason he stopped kissing me so abruptly.

It seemed like he was trying to get away from me, or avoid me, as if he didn't want to get caught. I figured that it may have had something to do with the faint scent of an unfamiliar perfume I detected on his t-shirt.

Scrunching my eyebrows, I leaned in as Brendon backed away, and grabbed a fistful of his shirt in my hand, deeply inhaling.

"Um, what are you doing?" he asked, appalled, trying to unclench my hand from the fabric of his shirt, but I wouldn't let go.

I sniffed again.

"Vanessa, let go." Brendon demanded, his eyes watching me like I was mental. But honestly, I couldn't help how I was acting.

"You smell good." I said, scowling.

"... Um Thanks?" He replies, still trying to firmly pry my fingers open.

"No, the bad kind." I elaborated.

"The bad kind of good?"

"Yes. You slut."

"Excuse me?"

"I called you a slut." I raised my voice, letting go of his shirt to slap his chest. And not too gently, might I add.

"Why are you calling me a slut? I've been nothing but nice to you tonight."

"Yeah, except for cheating on me!" I yelled, before I could control the words coming out of my mouth.

And that's when it happened.

That was the moment I knew I'd ruined the entire night for everyone. But I knew that something else would be tainted along with it.

Brendon dropped his head down, and covered his face with his hands. I instantly wished I could take all the words I'd just said and suck them all back up into my lungs... but I couldn't.

And I couldn't take back the moment where Brendon lifted his head. And I couldn't take back the pained look in his eyes. And I couldn't take back the words that ran out of his mouth that I knew hurt him to say, and hurt me even more to hear,

"Vanessa, we're not together."

And there we sat, staring at each other, locked in utter silence. The looks on our faces telling each other that this information was the most obvious thing in the world, yet it seemed neither of us wanted to believe it... well, at least, I knew I didn't.

I turned my head away, and let my gaze fall directly to my lap. I didn't want to be seen, or move, or do anything. At the moment, I felt absolutely lifeless.

"You're- You're right." was all I managed to mutter, while starting to pick at my nails.

He said nothing after that, but reached into the glove box and pulled out a napkin to wipe the excess ice cream off of his face. The last remains of the good time I'd ruined within seconds.

After he restarted his car and pulled out of the empty parking lot, I watched him take the rest of his cone and toss it out the window.

Laura grumbled something about littering, and Brendon said something along the lines of 'Suck My Ass' but I was too busy blatantly sulking to scold either of them.

It just pained me. As much as I didn't want to admit it to anyone but myself, I wanted to be the only girl in his world. But I wasn't... and this was like a reality punch in the stomach.

"Will you at least tell me who she is?" I finally spoke.

Out of the corner of my eyes I watched him throw his hands up in frustration, "For fuck's sake, Vanessa."

"Language!" Laura yelled, smacking the side of his head.

"Suck my ass!" he yelled back, rubbing the now- probably -sore spot.

I finally looked at him, "Answer me."

"No one. Why do you care so much?"

This conversation was getting harder to continue by the second. As if every word I spoke was a foot of water filing the car, taking our remaining air supply, yet I couldn't stop myself.

"I just do."

"Well you shouldn't," he retorted, "so just drop it."


"Oh my god!"

"Blasphemy!" Laura screamed, startling him into swerving a bit.

"Suck. My. Ass!" he yelled back at her, still trying to gain control of the car.


The car screeched to a stop.

"I'm done! I just wanted to show you a nice night and-"

Suddenly headlights appeared in front of us, catching our attention.

"Fucking get out of the wrong lane!" I screamed, as Brendon pushed his foot against the gas repeatedly, but yet the car stayed in its place.

"I'm not the one in the wrong lane!"

The headlights were gaining increasingly closer, yet Brendon and I couldn't help but stare scared an dazed at one another, both of our horrified faces reading, 'what the fuck do we do, we're going to die.'

I don't remember who ended up yelling it, but the words, "Get out of the car!" filled the vehicle, and we found everything from then on seeming to go in slow motion.

The click of the seatbelt dispenser releasing each of us free in a series. Throwing our doors open, and turning our heads to meet a large car barreling our way, seemingly inches from where we were.

I felt like I was floating, not knowing what was going on, unable to register whether I was inside or outside of the vehicle.

Two hands clung themselves around my wrist, and dragged me away as my eyes stayed glued to the horrifying scene unfolding in front of me.

The car didn't even slow down as it sped into the front of Brendon's vehicle, the impact smashing the entire hood into the body. Both cars began to spin, out of control, in opposite directions, one nearing the place where I stood, dazed.

Whoever's hands were digging into my wrists were pulling me quickly away from the nearing vehicle, and into the grass on the side of the road.

When the car stopped abruptly, and the smoke began to clear, my brain began to function properly again, throwing me into an overwhelming state of panic. All that ran through my mind was that I needed to find Laura and I needed to find Brendon.

Still feeling the presence of someone holding onto my arm, I turned to find Laura clinging to me with wide, terrified eyes. Instantly I jerked her toward me and held her as tight as could be, wrapping my arms around her body as much as I could as if I was trying to use my two thin arms to incase her entirely and keep her safe forever. Her shorter arms wrapped around me as well, and I could feel her small body trembling against my legs, as she began to cry.

But, I still couldn't find Brendon.

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