17✝ Maybe We're Okay

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It took two long hours for the nurses to put fluids back into Brendon, two long hours for them to determine him well enough to leave, and two long hours for them to roll him out in a wheelchair, hospital policy, and hand him off to me.

"I can walk, you know." he whispered to me, as a weak smile formed on his face.

I looked down at my hands that had habitually began to push the wheelchair, and immediately detached them, "Oh, right, sorry."

I offered my hand to assist him, and he took it graciously, pulling himself out of the chair.
Once his feet hit the ground, and he was standing up straight, we walked out of the hospital, our hands still intertwined, as my sister trailed along.

My mind was a mess at this point drowning me with thoughts about this night but at the same time empty and jut trying to focus on the warmth if his hand grasping mine.

As we made our way to the parking lot, Brendon stopped and turned to face me. His other hand reached for mine, and he locked them together as well, swinging both of our arms in the air, together in triumph.

"We're okay," he whispered into the night.

I looked up into his eyes, as the lights of the hospital exterior shined bright within them, and noticed past his tired, weakened features, that his eyes were filled with a different emotion. One that was much too happy to fit in with the rest of his face.

"We are," I replied.

Our arms fell from where they'd been above our heads, but nonetheless he continued to swing them back and forth childishly.

"You're really strong, Vanessa."

"I don't know about that,"

He gave me a look that I couldn't quite read in the darkness of the night, and bent our arms to meet his shoulders, then pushed them to mine, before he let go.

"How do we get home now?" Laura spoke up, picking up a small rock from the decorative garden in the front and throwing it into a small fountain near by.

Instead of answering, I merely shrugged at Brendon.

"I have an idea," he replied, pulling me into an unexpected hug. He held me tight, as his hands trailed down my back. I was growing increasingly suspicious as they made their way to my jeans, and sure enough I felt him place his hands against my butt,

"What are you-"

Before I could finish my sentence, he snatched his phone out of my back pocket, and waved it in front of my face.


"You know, I could have just grabbed it for you."

He bent his head down, as the light of the screen illuminated his face, and I watched a cheeky smile appear, "But where's the fun in that?"

I blew a quick breath out of my nose in an attempt at unamused laughter while my sister continued to throw rocks into the decorative fountain, and Brendon tapped his thumbs quickly on the keypad.

"Spence, how high are you?" Brendon spoke into the phone, as he pressed the speaker button.

"I'm pretty sure the phrase is 'Hi, how are you.' but," he replied, causing both of us to roll our eyes, "I'm perfectly undrugged this evening, what do you need."

"We've been in a wreck, and we need you to come get us." He spoke quickly.


"Yeah, uh Vanessa was with me."


By the look on his face, Brendon was becoming a bit impatient, as he held the phone out to me,

"Uh, yeah, hi," I awkwardly replied.

"Oh, dude, the hot one you've been talk-"

Hi face contorted into a look of horror as he scrambled to take Spencer off of speaker. Laughing nervously, he held up a 'one moment' finger, and walked away.

Five minutes later, he walks back to Laura and I who had taken a seat on the edge of the fountain saying, "Okay, see you in a bit."

Twenty minutes later than that, Spencer pulls up in a black Taurus and waves us in.

Within ten minutes he's tried to offer Brendon and I each a joint for the third time, and Brendon has declined for both of us, again.

Three minutes after that, Brendon makes Spencer stop the car so he can sit in the back with me. Laura accepts eagerly and switches him, so she can sit shotgun.

Two minutes later, Spencer and Laura are engrossed in a conversation about why cows wouldn't be good house pets, and I'm pushed up against my side window sucking face with Brendon.

I don't even remember how the kiss started, but by the time we pulled up to my house, my pants were unbuttoned and Brendon's shirt was half-way off.

"Honey, you're ho- LY SHIT!" Spencer yelled from the front seat as he turned around, throwing his hand over Laura's eyes.

Brendon pressed one last long kiss to my lips before I opened the door and stumbled out, Laura quickly running up the steps to our house.

"Bye," we both called in unison, as I made my way into the house.

As soon as I shut the door behind me, Laura stopped in her tracks on her trek up the stairs, a regretful, yet thoughtful look on her face,

"I like him." she admitted quietly,

I merely let out a small laugh, watching her continue up the stairs and into her room.

"Me too."


The next morning it took me about twenty minutes to flawlessly explain the untruthful version of last night's events to my mother. Laura wasn't quite acting like herself, while I tried my best to stop myself from thinking about it, and to just try and think about him, and everything good.

During this interrogation, I realized that my mother still had her mind set on my "Correctional Meetings" starting tonight, and I found that absolutely fine since I was going to be there with the girl who'd invited me at lunch anyways.

I hoped, as the bus began its route to school with me aboard, that everything would be back to normal and that neither Brendon nor I would seem out of our usual moods, because I wasn't in the right mind for reliving last night's story to every one of his friends. And hearing him tell the story from his point of view, instead, would just be heartbreaking to have to listen to.

But when stepping into the building that morning, I was faced with something a lot worse than having to rehash the events of yesterday.

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