Chapter 10: Sunday Morning hangover

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Author's Note: Hey my Pretties! So this chapter is just a little filler! Enjoy :)

Harry's POV

My head is pounding with such an intense pain I feel as if my own heart beat is too loud. I tip-toe to the bathroom to try and find some advil. Reason why I am tip-toeing? Two main points: If my heart beat makes my head hurt this much then me walking isn't going to help. Second reason is: LOUIS! If that boy gets to me before the advil kicks in I am screwed!

I get to the bathroom closing the door behind me and locking it. I am having mini hooray party for making it this far now-The curtain draws back to show a man smiling wickedly holding something behind his back: Louis. Just as I race back towards the door Louis cackles an evil laugh before taking 2 huge steps and blaring a horn in my ear. He then dropped the horn and dashed out of the bathroom before I could get to him.

Kara's POV

huh. That's weird. Louis normally picks up when I call. I hope nothings wrong. Well I guess I'll find out soon enough. The girls and I went to Starbucks to pick up some breakfast for the boys. As we approach they're apartment it was eerily quite. Normally we could hear something whether it be Liam telling the boys to behave or Louis breaking something....Even stranger the door was left open..Picking up our pace we pushed the door open. Azzy was the first to react.

" What the hell is going on here!?"

On the boys' couch was Liam, Louis, and Harry wrestling each other. While in the kitchen Niall shirtless and in only plaid PJ bottom is casually eating a piece of toast. Zayn knowing that one is probably still asleep.

"Hey guys!" Niall waved

"Louis get your fat ass off of me!"

"It is not fat it is simply just very round, right Az?"

"Right us round assed people have to stick together!"

"May I ask as to why Louis is sitting on my boyfriend?" Katie asks looking just as puzzled as me.

"He started it!"

"Me! How by blowing a horn in your ear!?"

As those to started bickering Zayn finally shows his face and picks up the blow horn and gives 3 loud honks.

"I don't bloody care who started it, but what I do care about is my sleep so if I hear one more peep out of you guys you will be sorry!"

You could here a pin drop as Zayn stormed off to his room muttering profanities.

"Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" I whispered

"You got that right." muttered Azzy as she walked into the kitchen stealing Niall's 2 piece of toast from him.

"Hey!" Niall protested

"Hey, what's up?" replied Azalea

"Oh, just the usual some rude girl stealing my food."

"You really shouldn't let her do that, you know" her voice dripping fake innocence.

"Really, because-  is that banana chocolate chip muffin from Starbucks mine?" he says while I set down the tray of drinks and food.

And with that we gather around their island and start sipping our hot drinks and consuming our food. After we are almost done Zayn slinks into the kitchen silently glaring at us all. Liam tried to apologize but Zayn just stared and shot daggars at him. Well I hope he perks up so he doesn't ruin the surprise we have planned for the boys........

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2013 ⏰

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