Chapter 1

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If I wondered what a volcano looked like before it erupted, all I needed to do was take one glance at my dad's red face. Wincing, I dropped my gaze to the floor.

"You're grounded for life!" The words exploded from his mouth. My eyes flew back to him in disbelief. He raked his hands through his hair, leaving bits standing on end. Between the disheveled hair and the scowl, anger marred his handsome face. Obviously, he wasn't going to be happy that I went against his orders, but I didn't realize he would get this mad. "How could you? I warned you it was dangerous. Do you have a death wish? If you..."

He continued to yell and pace the floor, lost in his lecture. He wasn't even looking at us. I rolled my eyes at Kieran, who bit his cheek, his shoulders shaking with pent-up laughter. Nice that someone was enjoying this. I, on the other hand, didn't know how to diffuse Dad's anger, and I knew some form of punishment was coming. What it was and when it happened remained to be seen.

The amused expression dissolved from Kieran's face when Dad turned and rammed a long finger into his chest. "And you... don't think that your father won't hear about this. I'll be contacting Stephen just as soon as I figure out what I'm doing with Meara."

Dad glared at me. "I've half a mind to throw you in the dungeon. At least you couldn't escape."

"There's a dungeon?" Once again, I snuck a glance at Kieran. He shrugged. Apparently, he didn't know about it either.

"Of course there's a dungeon," Dad scoffed. "This is a fortress. Where do you think we put our enemies? We certainly don't invite them to tea in the parlor."

My face heated as my chest tightened in anger. Kieran and I were safe. Why couldn't my dad let it go? Sure, we went against his wishes to rescue my ex-boyfriend from Ken, the evil man who hired Evan for a summer internship. The job started okay, until Ken went crazy and locked Evan in the basement. Our mission wasn't successful anyway. Kieran and I went to free him. By the time we got to Ken's house, he was already long gone with Evan. Every moment we stood here and argued meant Evan could be dead. Fear pierced my heart.

"Tell me what happened," Dad demanded.

"When Kieran and I searched the abandoned house, we found Professor Nolan beaten to the brink of death." I could still smell the blood, hear his raspy, broken breath, and see his bruised skin. I knew Evan's professor as a quiet, nerdy college teacher. He wasn't a bad man. Although Ted Nolan brought Evan into this situation, no one deserved to die that way.

"He was locked in a cell in the basement," Kieran added. "It might've been the one Ken used for Evan."

Dad scratched his chin, studying the wall behind us. His eyes narrowed and found mine. "Yes, you mentioned that Evan was being held captive. How did you know?"

I met my father's blazing eyes and lifted my chin. If he was trying to intimidate me, I had nothing to hide. "Because that's what he told me."

"How did you speak to him?" Dad asked me before glaring at Kieran. "I thought you had Meara's necklace?"

During the summer, Evan and I used my grandparents' enchanted necklaces to communicate. When Evan started treating me cruelly, his moods swinging widely out of control, Kieran took the necklace from me for safekeeping. He worried that Evan would be able to hurt me through it.

"He does," I answered before Kieran could defend himself. "I didn't need it. Evan and I were able to talk without it."

I could practically see Dad processing what I told him. I wasn't sure how Evan did it, but the last time we spoke, my necklace was safely stored in Kieran's dresser. Evan reached me without it.

Always Remembered, Chapters 1-3Where stories live. Discover now