Chapter 1

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"RILEY WAKE UP" My brother Kevin yelled coming into my room.

Yay another day at the baseball feild.

I got dressed into a pair of jean shorts and a black tank top since it was a 11 o'clock game and it will be hot.

I brushed my blonde hair and put mascara on my blue eyes.

I walked downstairs to see my brother (Kevin 15), and 2 of his friends we were driving to the game.

"Hey Ry" Kevin greeted me and hugged me. Kevin and I are really close.

"RY MY FAV" Nick (Kevins friend) yelled picking me up hugging me.

"Morning Ry" Matt said.

"Guys the new kid is coming today" Matt said. "New kid" I asked?

"Yeah hes your age, he's apparently really good so they moved him to our team" Matt said. "Ohhh" I said.

"Yo were having a 13 year old on our team" Nick said. "Yup" Kevin rolled his eyes.

"Kid better be good" Nick said.

I laughed at them and went into the fridge to get something to eat before we leave.

Im 13 year olds, These boys are like my okder brothers the whole team. I love them all

I pulled out 3 waffles and strawberries.

"Kid how are you so skinny and eat so much" Nick asked? "Dance bro" I said laughing.

Yes im a dancer.

"LETS GO BOYS" My dad who is the coach said.

"Excuse me" I said.

"Boys and Riley" Mydad laughed.

I got into th back seat between Matt and Nick and Kevin sat in the front.

"So boy the new kid is really good i want you all treating him like hes part of the team" My dad said to the boys.

They all said yes.

When we got to the feild I went to the bleechers and sat with all the moms.


Riley- 13/ blonde hair/ blue eyes/ skinny/short

Team***& family

Kevin (Rileys brother) 15- brown hair/ brown eyes/ tall/ muscular
sister: Riley 13
Mom: Debra
Dad: Bill

Matt 15- Blackish hair/ blue eyes/ really tall/ really muscular
mom: Christine
dad: Michael

Nick 15- brown hair/ brown eyes/ tall/ skinny
Brother: Matthew 14
Brother: Louis 10
Mom: Linda
Dad: Nick

Phil 15- Brown hair/ brown eyes/ tan skin/ normal height/ built
Sister: Kaitlyn 16
Mom: Tracey
Dad: Nathan

Ryan 15- Brown hair/ brown eyes/ light skin/ tall
Sister: Courtney 18
Brother: Nick 17
Mom: Sue
Dad: Aaron

Mike 15- Brown hair/ brown eyes/ tan/ short
Brother: Matt 10
Sister: Bella 3
Mom: Ellen

James 15- Blondish hair/ brown eyes/ light skin/ tall
Mom: Patty
Dad: James

Daniel 15- blonde hair/ blue eyes/tall/ muscualr
Brothee: Kasen 19
Mom: Marge
Dad: Phillip

Dylan 15- Brown hair/ brown eyes/ tan/ short
Brother: Kyle 18
Mom: Jane
Dad: Jeff

John 15-Black hair/ brown eyes/ light skin/ tall
Mom: Michelle
Dad: Tom

Tyler 15- Brown longish hair/ blue eyes/ light skin/ tall
Brother: Jake 16
Mom: Brenda
Dad: Eddie

Mikey 13- (new kid) Dirty blonde longish hair/ brown eyes/ tall/ really cute
Brother- Matthew 11
Mom: Deb
Dad: George


They won!!!

I walked over to the dug out like I always do after games and sat in there.

"Okay everyone this is Mikey as most of you know now. He is 13. So I want you all to welcome him to the family" The main coach my dad said.

"Hey im Riley, Im Kevins little sister" I said. "Hey im mikey" He said.

"Its nice to meet you, you were pretty good out there for a 13 year old" I laughed. He smiled.

"Thanks, How old are you" He asked. "Im 13 too" I said. "Well hopefully we get to know eachother better" Mikey said.

"Yeah I hope so" I said.

"Ry lets go im hungry" Matt said. "Ugh im driving you home" I said sarcastically.

He picked me up and I started laughing. "PUT ME DOWN" I yelled. He ran out of the dug out with me over his shoulder.

He threw me into the car and I was hysterical laughing.

"Matt I hate you" I said. "You love me Riley shut up" He said.

I sat next to Nick and Matt and John was coming with us too.

Kevin sat in the front and we drove to wendys.

"So Ry the new kids ur age" Nick said. "Oooooooooo Ryyyyy" John said. I rolled my eyes.

"Dad why did u have to pick this team to coach i cant stand them" I said. "I know there annoying" My dad said sarcastcally.

We all laughed and ate wendys.

We dropped John, Nick and Matt off at home and We went home.

Kevin and I went into the living room and sat on the couch.

Mikey texted me. "Ry who are u texting" Kevin asked. "Mikey" I said. "New kid"?

"Yeah" I said. "Listen I dont have a problem with you talking to him but I dont know this kid enough to let you guys date" Kevin said.

"Kevin I just met him today calm down" I rolled my eyes

I hate when he dose this hes so over protective its so annoying.

"No Riley because some guys are dicks like Matt hes a total asshole to his girlfriends but hes the sweetest person to you anf me and his friends that exactally what Mikey could be like" Kevin said.

"Kevin just shut up already my god who cares what Matt is like its not even like I like Mikey were just texting my god Kevin i hate you" I said getting up to go into my room.

"Riley Faith do not walk away from me" Kevin yelled. I rolled my eyes being the bitch that i am and walked away.

"Riles your coming to the game tomorrow its in Queens" My dad said. (We live on Long Island)

"Were driving Matt, Nick, and Dylan so they will be here like 7 in the morning" My dad said.

I just rolled my eyes and went to bed. Im just pissed off at Kevin.

M- Are you coming to the game tomorrow?
R- Yes
M- Yay you will bring the team goodluck💗
R- Lol im going to bed goodnight💗
M- Goodnight cutie💗

I think im starting to like him... This cant be good.

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