Chapter 2

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I woke up and got dressed.

I changed into a pair of jean shorts and a pink (the store) tank top. I did my makeup and hair

I walked downstairs and the boys were all down there.

I walked right past Kevin and went into the kitchen.

"Well looks like Rileys in a bad mood" Matt said.

I rolled my eyes. "Nope just pissed at Kevin" I said.

"You need to calm the fuck down Riley" Kevin said.

"More like you need to calm the fuck down" I said.

"Riley im just trying to fucking protect you" Kevin said. "Yeah well maybe you should lay off" I said.

"Like the shorts your whole butt is hanging out of them do u want to get rapped or something" Kevin said angrly.

"How about you shut the fuck up and leave me alone" I said. "No because your my little sister and im going to protect yoy" Kevin said.

"Yo Kev layoff her a little" Matt said. "No Matt" Kevin said.

I rolled my eyes. "Dont you roll your eyes at me" Kevin said.

Thats when I had enough. I ran up the stairs crying.

I went into my pink room and slammed the door.

"Its Matt can u open up" Matt said. I opened the door and he hugged me.

"Its ok Ry" He said rubbing my back while Iwas crying.

"I hate him" Iwas still crying into his shoulder.

"No you dont" Matt said.

"Hes so over protective" I said.

"Yeah I know Riley, But you know that hes just trying to protect you and you know im a little over protective over you too and im not even your brother" He said.

"But your like my brother" I said still resting my head on his shoukder.

"I know, Ry he loves you and ur his little sister just know that hes tryingto protect you" He said kissing the top of my head. We got up and walked downstairs

"Im sorry Ry" Kevin said hugging me. He kissed my cheek and we walked to the car

When we got to the game I went over to the dug out and Mikey hugged me.

"Good luck" I smiled.

"Thank you" He said.

Kevin was eyeing him and the boys were all wathing.

All of the boys are like my brothers so im wishing goodluck to Mikey for not getting beat up by one of them.

I walked over to the bleechers where all the moms were and I sat next to my mom.

"Are you Riley" A new mom which is prob Mikeys mom said. I nodded my head and smiled.

"You are very pretty" She said. "Aw thank you" I said.

"Your Mikeys age right" She asked me

"Yep" I smiled. "Your so little compared to him" She laughed. "Im little compared to everyone" I laughed.

Its true im so tiny. I look like im 11 my height but its not like i dont have an ass or boobs i do. But just not very big ones😂

"I think Mikey likes you" She whispered. I blushed, "Hes really nice" I laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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