Just Another Love Story

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She loves the way you smile.

She loves the way you laugh.

She loves… you.

Tobias was an ordinary boy with a crush. No crush isn’t the word, it’s more of an “I love her and we have been friends for three years and she still doesn’t get the message.”

All of his friends feel bad for him because he won’t Man Up and ask her to the dance. The main reason of all this is that she likes Noah Frazier, the short redhead.

The next morning she walks toward him and says “So what’s up?”

Tobias looks up at her and goes back to his book. Kate gets the message and walks away.

It’s the day of the dance and Kate is talking to Noah. He walks outside and ditches Kate. Tobias takes a deep breath and goes “Kate? Do you want to dance?” Kate looks out the window and sees Noah making out with Braiden. And Kate has a look on her face and says “I would love that.”

He loves the way you smile.

He loves the way you laugh.

He loves… you.

A Couple Years Later...

"Hey baby  wanna get ice cream after school?" Tobias asks hoping and having a feeling you will sat yes.

"Um... ill have to check in with you later because i might have plans."

Kate has been doing this for a whille. ditching him for her friends and sometimes not even replying to his texts. Obiously Tobias is curious as to whats going on and its hard for him to just ask her because it will most likley be an excuse.

End Of Day...

"So do you have plans?" Tobias asks hopefull.

"Nope!" Kate says sharply with a sense of humor.

"Great. So where are we going for ice cream?"

"Licks! Its the best ice cream parlor in Downtown Denver!"

"Oh is that the one thats always so busy in the summer that i drive past every day to get to school?

"I think so..."

Kate looks around at the small parlor and orders her double scoop ice cream cone.

"How do you do that?" Tobias asks shocked.

"Do what? Oh my eating habbit thing?" Kate asks with a chuckle.

"Yes! Its like we go to the buffet, you eat like five plates, and a couple minutes later you say "i'm hungry."

Kate looks over her shoulder and smirks. "Magic!" She replys

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2013 ⏰

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