Chapter two

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The halls were flooded with teens when the final bell rang. Advantage of being tall, I never got squashed.

I pulled my books and materials out of my locker and stuffed it into my bag. I wanted to wait for the halls to die down a little before trying to leave. I closed my locker and leaned against it. I took out my phone and checked my Twitter. Nothing going on besides carter Reynolds drama.

I just found the funniest video of an old man singing about a perfect girl and how she had a pęnis. It was hilarious and I couldn't stop laughing.

I was watching the video for the third time when I heard some kind of mumbled human communication.

"Hello? Earth to Kai." A hand waved in front of my screen. I looked up, a little upset my video was interrupted, to see, surprisingly enough, mr. Stiles stilinski.

"Hi?" It came out as more of a question than I wanted it too.

"What's so funny that has you smiling?" He asked, smiling.

"Nothing's funny I'm just a genuinely happy person." I said in a sarcastic tone. I handed him my phone and started walking down the hall towards the exit.

I turned around to see him following and laughing almost as hard as I was.

When I got outside I stopped and turned around, waiting for him to catch up.

When he did, he handed me my phone smiling the biggest smile I think I've ever seen. " it's great right" I grinned.

He laughed awkwardly and then asked, " hey, uh.. Do you need a ride?" He looked around gesturing to the almost empty parking lot.

"Sure, yea, um thanks."


We walked over to the jeep that looks like it's barely holding on.

I slid into the passenger seat as he slid into the drivers, putting the keys in the ignition. Starting the car. I got a quick whiff of burning gas.

"So where to mrs Kai Davidson?" He said it in a British accent.

I chuckled, "my home good sir" I played along.

He gave me the "really" look. Duh. " oh, hehe"


Whe we arrived at my house, stiles turned his whole body and looked at me. I gave him my signature confused look where my eyebrows scrunch together.

" welcome back to this wonderful town, I'm really glad you're back." He said smiling sheepishly at me.

Stop with the face pleaseee. I thought even though he wasn't really making a face.

" glad to be back." I paused, " maybe sometime, after school or something we could, catch up?"

So smooth.

I looked anywhere but his eyes. " good idea, and then you can tell me why you left town without saying goodbye to anyone." His voice raised just a little with the last few words.

"We just had-" I stopped myself. I really didn't feel like explaining to him why my mom thought everyone was out to get her and that we needed to leave town before they killed her. I think she was having a break down that day. She doesn't even seem to remember it, or she just doesn't want to talk about. And about dad-
My hands started to shake.

Stiles could probably see the wheels spinning in my head. " Kai-" he started to talk but I cut him off with the sound of the rusty jeeps door opening.

"Thanks for the ride... I'll uh see you tomorrow stiles" I rushed around the car and up to my doorstep. Thankfully the door was unlocked so I didn't have to try and get it unlocked with my still shaking, but less, hands.

I turned around and gave stiles a small smile before closing the door.


"Mom! Are you ever going to tell me what happened that day!"

She looked up at me. Then she turned away and grabbed a cigarette. "Eventually" she said mumbling through her closed lips that was holding the cigarette.

"You're not the only who lost dad okay! Don't you think I deserve to know?" I never raise my voice unless I'm talking to her, yet she still doesn't hear me.

She got up off of her seat on the couch and walked to the kitchen, bumping into me when she walked past.

"Mom! Are you listening to me?"

She opened the the cabinet, grabbing a lighter. She flicked it, " yea I hear you." she took it out of her mouth. "I don't want to talk about it right now"

I couldn't take any more. I stomped past her and ran up the stairs to my room, slamming the door when I got there.

Goodnight mom, I love you too.

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