Chapter seven

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"Come on stiles! You have to tell me something" I have been arguing with stiles for a good ten minutes. I just want to know more about the world of the supernatural.

" I don't want to give you the talk" I don't know why he refused to tell me.

"Pweasee" I begged over the phone.


" if you don't I'm gonna go around thinking ghosts are real."

" they're not, that we know of, let's change the subject."

"But maybe one of these supernatural did it-" I stopped, listening.

" did what?"

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. It sounded almost like a clock, or three. I can't make out the sound. It was weird to say the least.


"Is that you? Is that you making that noise?"

" no. What noise. I'm not making any noises except my breathing maybe. What are-" I shushed him still trying to listen.

"Please tell me I'm not going crazy, you do hear that right?" I stood up from my bed and walked over to my door. I opened it and peeked out.

" there's nothing there-" I saw a flash of, I don't know what I saw. It looked like someone wearing a steam punk cosplay, but why would someone break into my house wearing a costume.

" Kai what's going on."

" I don't know I just saw something, like a person wearing a mask or something but I'm pretty sure I'm just going crazy." I hope I'm not going crazy but I also hope there's no crazy person in my house.

-Pov switch to stiles-

Please please don't be the dread doctors. Please not Kai.

" Kai listen to me, you're not crazy. You need to get out of there" I heard her sit back on the bed through the phone.

" what are you going on about?" She sounded scared even though she was trying to hide it. How she lowered her voice, showed it.

"Kai you need to-" I stopped when I heard it. I heard the sounds of the dread doctors. "Kai!"

I heard her scream, but it stopped when the phone line went dead.


" they got her Scott, they took her." I said to him pacing around his room

" who took who? What happened? Scott stood up and started to watch me pace.

" Kai I, I was talking to her on the phone, she wanted to know about all the supernatural stuff, and then" I stopped mid sentence trying to gather my thoughts. I sat down on Scott's bed. He was standing over me. Looking down one me.

"Then what?" Scott said as he sat down next to me.

" they took her. The dread doctors."

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