Chapter 1: Embarrassment and Blue Eyes

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 Izzy’s P.O.V.

“So, here’s the plan we get Riley to fall in love with me by the end of the night, it’s simple.” I was on my way to a concert with one of my closest fangirl friends.

“Only, if we can get Connor to fall in love with me.” She laughed, buckling herself .

“How do you plan on doing that?” I didn't know her plan but, I knew mine.

“Well, I’m just going to be myself and not fangirl.”

I laughed at the thought of me not fangirling. “Good plan, but mine is entirely different.”

“Oh lord, what’s your plan?” Emily knew me well enough, to know that my plans were never normal.

“I’m going to make him fall in love with me, by being the awkward white girl I am.” I was a little beyond socially awkward, I was known for never holding back. I didn’t care what people thought of me, and would do anything to get a bands attention.

“Yeah, tell me how that works out.” She laughed.

“Well, it’s going to work out so well. He’s going to ask me out on a date, and within three months he will propose. Everyone will be jealous, but we will live happily ever after.” My stomach turned at just the thought  of it. Rizzy, would be real one day.

It was a hot summer day in Massachusetts. Emily and I rushed towards the venue. We were there two hours early, and there was already a small line. When it came to concerts I did not mess around. I always arrived at least two hours early, in hopes of getting to see the bands arrive.

“Izzy. Izzy. Izzy.” Emily, tapped me rapidly on the shoulder. “Okay, Izzy, whatever you do, do not scream.”

“Why?” I looked around trying to find what she was so excited about.

“Riley is standing right there!” She pointed towards the sidewalk. I had missed him before, because cars where moving in front of him.

“Stay calm. Stay calm.” I breathed in and out, clenching my fist together. This was my effort to not fangirl. I lasted a few more seconds  before letting out the loudest scream, “RILEY!” The few girls that were in line, turned around to give me rude looks. I looked back over at Riley just in time to see Riley looking my way and crossing the street.

“He’s looking at you!” Emily continued to rapidly tap my shoulder.

“Act natural.” I said through my teeth, as he came closer towards us. The closer he got, the more recognizable his perfect features came noticeable. His hair swept to the left in the cutest way. He wore a grey t-shirt, black leather jacket, and tight skinny jeans. He looked stunning. Just one look at him had my head spinning.

“Izzy stay calm, don’t be weird.” It was like Emily was reading my mind. She could see my struggle, of trying to stay calm.

“Was that you who screamed?” I turned around to see Riley staring at me. I stared at him blankly  not being able to form words.

“No, I don’t think so.” I looked around at the other girls, who where all staring at Riley.

“But, I heard …”  “

No, you’re going crazy. That wasn't me.” I laughed nervously. 

Emily's P.O.V. 

Oh my God, she's going to embarrass herself before they even get into a real conversation. I bury my face into my hands.

"Why are you hiding?" a familiar voice asks. Shut. The. Front. Door. I look up and meet sky blue eyes. "I'm hiding my embarrassment for my friend," I say, gesturing to Izzy, who is confusing Riley with her "charm".

"Riley gets confused at everything, so it's okay," Connor says, laughing. I laugh awkwardly.

"It's not that. She shouted at him, and then she said she didn't," I say, causing Connor to laugh even more.

"What's your name?" he asks when we calm down.

"Emily," I say.

"That's a pretty name," he says. I give him a confused look. "Yeah, it doesn't really work with a common name like Emily, but it suits you."

"I hope it does. If it doesn't, I'm going to have to change my name, and I would never get used to being called Juanita," I say jokingly.

"Juanita?" he asks.

"Well, people say that if I wasn't Emily, I would be Juanita," I say.

"Really?" he asks.

"God, no. If they said that, I would be hiding in the corner of my room instead of waiting in line to see my favorite band," I say. He raises an eyebrow.

"And who might that band be?" he asks, his face getting slightly closer to mine.

"Paradise Fears," I say with a serious tone. I try to keep a straight face as I fiddle with my Before You Exit bracelet, but we both burst out laughing.

"Connor, we have to go back in," I hear Riley call out.

"Meet me after the show, okay?" he asks. I nod, and he gives me a quick hug before rushing inside. Izzy appears by my side in a second.

"You two really hit it off," she says, smirking.

"That's what happens when you talk to your band crush about your fangirl friend's embarrassing moments," I say. She punches me in the arm. "Ow! What the hell was that for?!"

"Don't laugh at my white girlness! You know that it comes out before I can think!" she shouts.

"Izzy, it doesn't 'come out' if you're already white," I say. She throws her head back and laughs. We move forward in line, anticipating the night ahead. (In other words, I'm practically peeing my pants that Connor wants to talk to me after the show. I don't know what happened between Riley and Izzy.)

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