Chapter 8

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Louis's POV

I felt like rubbish. I can't  believe that Eleanor would just rip me apart . After yelling on the phone I started running. I don't know where but I just kept running. Something hit me hard right on the ankle and I collasped face down onto the ground. My ankle hurt and my cheek stung real bad. I touched my sore cheek and drew it away quickly to check my hand. There was blood but I didn't care. I just wanted to curl up into a ball on the ground but I just got up and kept walking.

I heard a car door open and close and someone calling for me. I thought it would be just some paparazi wanting to take a whole bunch of pictures of me, so I kept walking. I heard the running of feet from the person calling me on the cold pavement. The two strong hands held onto my shoulders. I closed my eyes. The person pulled me close. Small tears ran down my face. I fell down onto the ground and hit my head. It hurt real bad but I just laid there, blocking out all the names the man was calling the other direction. I kept my eyes close refusing to open them as my head thobbed and tears ran down my bleeding cheeks. This time when someone picked me up it was more than one person it was about four or five and they all helped me up into one mans arms. I didn't know who it was but I didn't even care so I started to cry non stop into the mans arms which were covered in a thin jacket. It smelt of carmal which was very familiar.

Here we where, me and this strange man that I might know crying in the middle of the night on the sidewalks of a neighborhood. The people in there homes porbably thought we were crazy homeless people but who cared. Before any of us said anything the man carried me into the car and we drove home

When the car stopped the man and two other men carried me into theri flat and laid me onto the couch. I still didn't open my eyes

"Lou, it's okay I'm here," the man finally said. I realized it was Harry, him and his beautiful deep voice. I opened my eyes and continued to sob. I then saw Liam, and Niall in the kitchen trying to find a first aid kit for my bleeding cheeks. We were in me and Harry's flat

"Harry," I said quietly, "why me? Why is it always me? Why does everything bad happen to me?"

"Lou, that's not true. Bad things happen to me too," Harry said calmly

"Like what, a mad hair day?" I snapped.

" the things I have to hide from people," he chuckled

"Do you hide things from me." I sniffled.

"I-I," he sighed, " yes," he stuttered

"Well you don't have to tell me, nothing really matters," I said. We both looked down at each others hands which were entertwined. Then he lifted up his head of curls and looked deeply into mine.

"Your eyes are beautiful," he said quietly. I didn't say anything. I just sat on the couch and blushed, looking into Harry's eyes. He then leaned close to me. Any movement we would be kissing we right on my mouth. Liam and Niall were still going through the kitchen collecting rags and medicine, not even paying attention to me and Harry on the couch

"I guess it would be a good time to reveal my secret now," he whispered into my ear. Then without any hesitation, he closed the space between us. His lips were soft and tender. I pulled him closer.

"That's the best secret ever revealed," I said, then we pulled apart.

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