The Beginning

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Some say that the continents were separated by broken plates of magma but there's another side to this theory. The truth, the reality of what humanity does not want you to know. There are two kinds of beings that walk on this land we call "Earth". First and foremost were the VamKinds and Secondly Humans. Now this may seem unlikely or confusing but why would it not be if its what really came about.... Vamkinds created their own Vampility and have been on this earth for over 200 million years. These are not your ordinary story book Vampyrs or your romantic story book creatures. They live on earth just as we do but with a greater cause and only one that you will later find out. Now the only way to explain to you the history of these exotic beings is to start from the very beginning. You may not understand them or want them in your life but they are here and now. They sit beside you in the light of day. They breathe the air you consume. They are the ones that walk pass you down the streets and you second glance because you see the beauty in them. Their eyes so beautiful and riveting that you wish they would glance your way. Skin so fair that it seems like they never even had a blemish. Hair so fine and lovely, that at that very moment you imagine just a brush of your fingers through it to feel the silky softness. Now let's just slow things down a bit and go to the time where everything began, where Vampyrs decided this to be their home and became humanities biggest threat.

Long before dinosaurs, when the land was one the skies were filled with darkness. There was a light in the sky that shined so brightly on earth it was like staring in to the sun. A comet fell from the darkness and landed. On it were two beings a Vampyric Man and a Vampyric Woman and two special creatures. The Vampyrs names were "Lutheran and Oriantha". Being that this planet suited all of their needs and wants they decided to stay and create Vampility. Lutheran was what seemed a very handsome man. One that you can stare at for days upon days. His beauty was breathtaking. He had hair so long filled with waves that would remind you of the ocean at its finest. His hair a depth color of grey that even though in our times that would seem to make him older, he never looked past twenty three. His eyes matching the color of his hair and his skin pale beige. Lutheran stood tall with a physique that would have led you to believe he was an athletic Vampyr. His partner Oriantha perfect by his side looking ravishing as if her body was a silky smooth fitted dress. Her skin so fair and without a wrinkle. Her eyes the brightest, yet lightest blue you would of ever seen. Her eyes had a spark in them that would amaze and capture anyone who dared to look into the blue of her eyes. She adorned high cheek bones with a heart shaped face and with curls that dropped down the curves of her back past her bottom; she was a sight to see. There was no way to describe her but to say that she was divine yet elegant and endearing. They both were a match made for any gods to see.

Lutheran and Oriantha wondered Pangaea in search of what this planet could have offered them. This one big piece of land was so mysterious and captivating. They bathed in hot lakes, slept under the dark night sky. They drank from the creatures of the land. Pangaea was their new home, a new foundation to where they would begin their family. Somewhere safe from chaos , or so they thought. The future is still yet a mystery. This new world had flying creatures so big that they would cover the sun in the sky leaving large shadows. Animals that walked on land that were our modern day size of buildings. Panthalassa was filled with beautifully odd creatures. The waters had so many different species it was impossible to keep count. But Lutheran and Oriantha were no strangers to mysterious animals they had two very special creatures of their own that did not differ from Pangaea. Lutheran's very devoted creature was a "Flying Fox-bat" (Pteropus neohibernicus) who he named Neo. This was a perfect animal to stand by his side, its wings spanned out to over 4 feet wide, with a face that suit the name of this creature. Eyes so dark that black was an understatement. Lutheran's bat had a set of 32 teeth that were razor sharp, now we would automatically assume that it was a meat eater but on the contrary it was a fruit bat. Don't let that suede you away from thinking that it would not protect its master because then you would be wrong. Oriantha as graceful as she is had a "Giant Dragonfly" (Meganeura monyi) at her side who also bared a unique name and hers was Monyi. This species suited her as beautiful as it was, it also was very predatory and cautious. When you think of a dragonfly, you might wonder how big this can really be, but imagine this, it was big enough to eat other small amphibians like: frogs, snakes, and lizards. With an amazing set of wings that were brightly colored this fly was ready for anything.

After settling in and becoming familiar with the land and sea around them it was now time for Oriantha and Lutheran to populate Pangaea. Oriantha tired of being the only two there and was ready to birth in the next generation of Vampility for years to come. Vampyrs were just as we are in the present day when it came to making love but a little different in a sense, or you might say very different. Lutheran laid Oriantha down on the ground filled with leaves. As she laid there she looked up towards the sky to see the misty fog that swooped over them and the trees that rose as high as the normal eye can see.

"Lutheran, let's do this right and become the family that we have yearned for darling"

"We will my love, we will" and Lutheran placed his hands over her plumped lips and bit into her shoulder as he pressed into her skin with his long but fine fingernails.

She let out a loud moan that sounds like a wild cat purring through the forest. Oriantha pulls Lutheran in with a force that could break a brick wall and turns him over on his back. She climbs on his chest and sinks her teeth deep into his chest and the blood pours down the curves of his abdomen, deep down towards the shaft of his penis. As she lays her sweetness in his face so he can consume her, she gazes up in ecstasy and glances over at her beautiful dragonfly that watches in amazement with her companion the bat.
Lutheran and Oriantha continue this ritual of love making at its finest to reproduce the best of the best in Vampyrs. Hours later they finally come to a halt and grab a bowl shaped leaf to gather the remaining blood that pours out of the bites they created before they heal.

Oriantha crawled over to her dragonfly across the leaf filled ground, "Drink my sweet Monyi, so that you may give life to our future." She placed the leafy bowl filled with their Vampyr blood in front of her creature and watched as her dragonfly consumed every last drop with pleasure. She glanced up towards her partner, "Lutheran thank you for this blessing".

"Anything for you, for you are my world and i will do anything to make your life pleasant." Lutheran responded as he grabbed her hand to lift her from the dirt behind his feet.

A couple of days passed and Oriantha's dragonfly Monyi was now impregnated and ready to lay her egg. Monyi flew to the west side of Pangaea and at the ridges of the water she dove in towards the bottom of the icy blue sea and laid the future of Lutheran and Oriantha down. Once done Monyi sprouted out of the water into to sky and stood on the edge of the land while she watched the water carefully. This was an important birth to her master and she could not ruin this. So Monyi stood day in and out along side Neo carefully watching the sea of Panthalassa to make sure that nothing or no one gets in the way of the birth of Vampility. Three weeks passed and finally the joy of birth has come and so with it Monyi flew off towards Oriantha and with one patter of her wing Oriantha knew it was finally time.

Orianthi looked toward Lutheran smiled and said " Its time darling i wonder if it's a girl or boy! Oh the excitement of our first child"

"Does not matter what it is, as long as he or she is here and well...Let's go." and they sped off through the trees that stretched so high in the sky it seemed they would touch the clouds. Past the mountains towards the west of Panthalassa to see the newest chapter in their life.

Oriantha and Lutheran made this wonderful moment a race to see who gets there first so they leaped through whatever obstacles got in their way and ran so fast it was like watching a Nascar race with no mistakes, scurrying past trees, vines and all the animals. They arrived at their destination and not a moment sooner because as they slowed down right before the water they saw a beautiful pale skinned baby boy floating at the top of the water crying. Oriantha gazed in amazement and one tear fell from her eye. Lutheran took two steps into the water and reached to grab his son as his feet sunk into the moist sand.

"You are perfect," he stated as he gazed into his eyes "for you are my son and heir to rule all for millennium's to come." as he handed over the child to Oriantha, she immediately said,

"My son, My joy, My Broly."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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