Car Drive

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~Third Person View~

Erwin and [Y/N] were in his car, driving in complete  silence. Not a single word. Only pebbles skipping along the road and a couple bumps here and there. Erwin kept his eyes on the road while tapping his fingers on the wheel to the beat of the car every time they were on a red light. [Y/N] had her hood on the whole time while resting her head in her crossed arms on the open window.
Another red light came and Erwin cued his tapping. [Y/N] finally looked over to see what has been bothering her.

"Do you... Always do that?", [Y/N] said changing her position into laying her head back on the seat.

"Do... What exactly?"

"That thing!" [Y/N] brought out her phone and tapped her nails onto it then put it back in her pocket.

Erwin laughed while looking up. ((What is it, Eren!?))
But paused to see the sight of the sky getting dimmer and stormier.

"Oh shit... Look it the sky", Erwin said amused.

[Y/N] looked up and gazed at it and Erwin continued driving. As she admired what mother nature had done to the skies, she was interrupted by a rain drop falling to her forehead. (WELL FUCK YOU TOO ASSHOLE)

[Y/N] went back to her seat wanting to flip M.N. off.

"I felt a raindrop and it does look like it will be stormy"

"Wanna have dinner at my place and then when the rains stops, I can drive ya back?", Erwin asked blushing a bit.

[Y/N] was blushing to the shade of bright pink and turned to the window. To not blow her cover she extended her thumb and index finger to her chin to look as if she was thinking about it.

~Your View~


"Hmm... Well, I guess since it's starting to pour", I said cause it was already raining.

" Alright.. ", Erwin said back on to the road's eyes.

"Ok..", I said back to my window position.

And it all went back to silence.

~Time Skip Brought To You By Pole Dancing Levi~

~Erwin's View~

We arrived to the parking lot, but kept having to drive all around the parking lot to find a spot. We couldn't find one so we parked on the side of the street which was a block away from the apartment. I couldn't find out if [Y/N] was mad about the parking spot or not. We stayed in the car for a few minutes watching as the rain poured harder and harder.

"Should we get out now?", [Y/N] asked.


We got out of the car and onto the sidewalk, I brought my leather jacket out from the car and put it over [Y/N]'s head and mine as well. I saw her blush a little before she thanked me. We kept having problems trying to walk together under the jacket so we stopped for a bit.

"Is isn't gonna work is it?", I said.

"I don't think so.."

All of a sudden, I got an idea. But I hoped it wouldn't make me sound like a perv.

"I.. I have an idea.."


"We could.. Maybe do.. This?", I asked as I wrapped my right arm around her back and grasped my hand on her waist while my left arm held up the jacket. Basically side hugging. This is the millionth time she blushed but the first time she gasped. Eh I couldn't blame her, I was also blushing a bit.

~Your View~

Does he always do unexpected things like this?! Ugh!? I'm blushing too hard!? I could blow up!!!

And there I was, and there he was, beside me, touching me, to be specific, hugging. I couldn't get the thought out of my head that we are so close to each other.

I turned to the color pink, literally. And he saw!!! Although it was a good idea.

He was staring down at me smiling.

"So is this better? ", he asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Um", alright I had to be honest with him, " Well to be honest, I-I am kinda uncomfortable..."

His face went in unsatisfactory.

"But, I have to admit, it is very cozy", I slowly said as I put my arm around him and snuggled closer. He stiffed up a bit and turned red.

"So shall we get moving?", I said.

No answer, he just... Looked foward while blushing.

"I'll take that as a yes", I said as I giggled.

A whole five minutes pasted and he said nothing but nods. Until we were about to cross the street.

~Third View~

Erwin and [Y/N] were so close to crossing the damp street but were too late.

"Damn it!", The man exclaimed. He just wanted to get over with this. This side-hugging they did.

"It's fine, we could wait right?", [Y/N] smiled, "And finally you speak"

A car was waiting at the stoplight next to the sidewalk Erwin and [Y/N] shared. In the car were two elderlies. One was a woman on the right. She had brown, greying hair that was brought back to a bun and a purple gown. Closest to them, driving the car, was an old man that was bald with some hair on the sides. He wore glasses that were on the bridge of his nose.

He smiled as he spoke to the woman,
"Aw.. Now look at that couple, reminds me of you and I when we were youn-"

Erwin stopped dead in his tracks and looked at the man.

"Harold stop.. They can probably hear you", the woman's voice was raspy but nice to hear.

"Eh!?", Erwin said.

"Oh mam", [Y/N] spoke, "we aren't together, he's just giving me a place to stay for the night"

"Oh we'll have fun.. I'm sure you'll do some stuff!!", the man yelled as he drove off.


Erwin laughed as did [Y/N]. They crossed a street named, Maria, and another one called, Rose and went upstairs to his apartment door.

1036 WORDS?! Oh my god GET ON MY LEVEL!!! XD But please if you enjoy, leave a comment or vote. BYEE

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