Chapter 14

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Chris pov

I woke up around 3 a.m. in between Jana's leg she was still sleep thank god I didn't want her to know I fell asleep with her so I slid out of her gently and disposed the condom. I studied her face her brown skin plump lips beautiful hair piercing eyes. I took a blanket and covered her up and kissed her forehead and went to my room. I decided I was going to take a shower and fall back to sleep.

I wash up and get out to my phone ringing it was nia.

"What"I say as I sit down.

"Why you been ignoring my calls?"She ask.

"Look we done delete me out yo life."I say as I hang up and sigh.

Jana POV

I woke up this morning and I grabbed the sheet and looked at my watch it was 10 a.m. on a Saturday. I groaned and lay back down and touched my lips every time me and Chris kiss I feel this unusual feeling I never even felt with Travis. Yesterday we had sex it was different and slow.

"Goodmorning sleepy head."Chris say coming into my room.

I giggle.

"Good morning."I say as I sit up and wrap the sheet around my upper body.

He kisses me and I kisss back.

"Mmmmm."I moan into the kiss.

He get on top of me.

"CHRIS?!"??? yells.

"Who is that?"I ask.

"My mother."He say as he gets up.

"I'm not even dressed."I say.

"Come on come meet her."He say.

"Ugggh but I don't have any clothes."I say.

"Umm."He say looking in the drawer.

"Here."He hands me some sweats and a shirt.

"Thanks."I say as I get dressed.

"Come on."He say taking my hand.

"Oh there you are."his mother say kissing his cheek.

"Hello mother."He say.

"Hello and who might this beauty be?"She ask referring to me.

"Oh this is my friend Jana."he say as I mentally sigh. Chris was right what we had was nothing but sex.

"Hello."I say.

"Oh my chris are you still coming over for dinner?"She ask.

"Yes mother."He say.

"Ok and bring your friend."She say smiling at me.

I smile back.

"Ok mother."He say walking her out.

"It was nice meeting you Jana."She say as her and chris step on the elevator.

"You to."I say as the doors close.

I went back to my room and seen I had a lot of missed call from my dad. This had to be an emergency so I called my dad but it went straight to voicemail so I called akala she answered on the first ring.

"JANA!"She screams.

"What's going on what happen?"I ask.

"Your mom is here."She say as I groan.

"Ok and?"I say not really caring.

"Come on now Nay she is still your mother."She say.

"She wasn't my mother when she left and kept popping back into my life now was she don't be calling me about her."I say as I hear chris come back.

"Look I got to go."I say as I hang up.

"Who was that?"He ask.

"My best friend."I say looking down.

"Hey hey what's up with the sad face?"He ask as he sit by me I couldn't hold in the tears anymore I bust out crying.

Chris pov

When I seen Jana cry it had an affect on me. It made me feel some type of way.

"Shhh Jana what's wrong?"I ask

She sniffs.

"It's about my mother."She say.

"Did she die?"I ask.

"No she and my dad had me at a young age my mom wasn't ready but my dad he had a responsibility so he got two jobs because my mother didn't know how to do anything ......after two weeks of my birth my mother ran she left my father. Then she would keep popping up and leaving."She say crying. I couldn't do nothing but hold her.

"I promise myself I will never abandon my children."She say. Its something Jana doesn't know about the's permanent I can't tell her that shit its gone piss her off knowing that she is mine and that we will never get married let alone have children.

"That's good."I say as I kiss her forehead.

"How about we watch a movie and eat junk food all day until 8 that's what time we gotta go to my mother's."I say.

"Does your mom know your a Dom?"She ask.

"Nope."I say.

"O ok."She say.

"Let's go set the floor."I say as we walk into the kitchen.

"Imma get the drinks."She say as she opens the fridge and grab two pops while I grab all the sweets and candy we have and sat on the floor by Jana.

"What you wanna watch?"I ask pulling out movies.

"Umm scream."She say as I out the movie in and pull her close.

Pov over.

I updated.

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